Chapter 5 - Lost

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It's been hours. And we've found nothing. No houses. No water. Nothing. No one in our group knows how to hunt, but all they're worried about is me. No, not me, my infection.

After the car accident, I was out for a day. It was about sunset now. I remember last night when it was pitch black and we didn't have anything but the headlights from the car. Now, we have nothing.

We are lost.

We are in no hope of finding other survivors. Sure, Atlanta is still a few miles away, but who knows if we are going in the right direction?

"Maybe we should turn around," I said quietly, but not too quietly that Elliot couldn't pick up on it.

"That's a dumb idea," he said.

"You said Atlanta was a few miles down, right Hank?" I turned to look at him. "Maybe we aren't going in the right direction."

"It's too much of a risk," Hank said.

"But it's also too much of a risk to go this way. How much longer can we go without finding water? Or food? Maybe Amelia's right. And if she's not...we'd still have a chance of finding supplies down that way," Beth pointed in the opposite direction we were currently walking in. "I say...we go that way and see where it takes us."

Hank considered this for a moment.

"You have a point, Beth. Okay, let's turn around."

And just that was enough to make Elliot pissed. He grabbed me by the back of my shirt and slammed me against a tree.

"You think you're so good, don't you? You think you're so helpful? Well, you're not. All you are is a useless piece of crap," He yelled in my face, making sure to spit too. He got out a gun from his pocket and pointed it to my temple.

"Woah, woah, woah! What the hell do you think you're doing," Hank pushed him away from me. "And where the hell did you get that?"

"Doesn't matter. All that matters is that I have it. And I say we keep walking this way," Elliot said calmly.

Or what?

Was he going to kill us? His own father?

Once Hank tried to object, a bullet went straight through his heart.

Author's note:
Can't wait for the next chapter! It's when things start picking up and if you watch AMC's The Walking Dead, you will see very familiar people! :)

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