Chapter 9 - The Group

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Once Rick left, I stood up and looked at Carl.

"Why didn't you tell him?" I asked.

"Tell him what?"

"About my bite."

"Because...I wanted to wait until you were awake, so I sat here while you were unconscious. And then the fever set in...I didn't know what to think. I was hoping maybe, just maybe, it was a dog bite or something. I don't know..."

I looked down and sighed. Carl got up from his spot on the bed and stood in front of me.

"Can I see it?" He asked quietly. I nodded and pulled up my sleeve, revealing the bite. You'd think after 4 years it would've healed or disappeared by now, but it didn't.

Carl took gently took my arm and went over the bite with his thumb.

You're just a piece of shit.

Elliot's voice echoed in my head. How long has it been since he said that? 3 years? Probably.

I ducked under all of the branches and leaves from the trees. I'm so done with life. Living.

Dying sounds relaxing right now.

I got out my gun from my belt and shot straight up to the sky.

No doubt a walker or two heard that.

Before I could process, Carl pulled me in for a hug.

"You know, I've never stopped thinking about you. I started to get worried...about what Elliot would do to you," He said.

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back. He still didn't know about the worst thing Elliot did to me. That Elliot forced me to do that with him.

When we pulled away, Carl insisted on introducing me to everyone and showing me around.

First, I met the guy with the crossbow whose name is Daryl. Let's make this short. First impression: Badass. I like you.

Then, I met the Korean dude and his fiancé. Their names were Glenn and Maggie.

After that, I 'met' Hershel and Beth. How did Carl not know she was with Elliot yet? Maybe he doesn't remember how Beth joined his group.

After having a small conversation, Beth wanted to show me the outside of the prison. Carl offered to come, but Beth waved him away.

Once we were outside, Beth stopped and looked around like she was worried someone might overhear us.

"What did he do to you?" She asked.

I shrugged and looked down. I wasn't planning on telling anyone. It was done. Saying something won't change what happened. But, I could trust Beth. And she really wanted to know.

"," I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"Oh my god...did he...," she looked around again. "Do that?"

I nodded.

Beth gave me sympathy eyes. I hated when people were sad for me.

"Wait...did he use protection?"

Oh my god. How have I not thought about this? He only forced me to do it a few weeks ago...can there still be a chance that I'm pregnant?

" I don't know...," I replied with shame.

Beth looked at me like I was stupid. Then, she said, "I'm gonna have to get a pregnancy test from Maggie, but I will get one. We have to be sure..."

I can't imagine being pregnant with Elliot's baby. I just can't.

What will happen if I am pregnant? Will they kick me out? Will they get me abortion pills? I don't know...and I don't really care.

Right now, all I care about is Carl. Will he hate me? Hate me for being pregnant or for me not telling him?

Author's Note:
Hey! Sorry I haven't been publishing daily like I used to. School is just really stressing me out right now and I've been reading the 5th wave which is sooooooooooooooooo good! (Ben Parish please date me) I'm only on page 206 but I'm already in love with this storyline and the characters and ahhhh....


Broken (A Walking Dead FanFiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz