Chapter 26 - Making New Friends

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"And this is Enid," Ron said, pointing to the girl on the bed reading the comic book.

We were at Ron's place. Enid, Mikey, Ron, and I. Ron was kind of cute, to be honest. He had brown hair, the kind you would want to run your fingers through all day. But he was dating Enid.

Enid was really pretty. She had long brown hair and blue eyes. I couldn't compete with that. I looked down, insecure.

I heard Enid sigh and mumble, "Suck it up, sport."

I shrugged and felt even more sad. I just didn't fit in, especially with Enid here. When I looked up, Ron's hand was on Enid's shoulder.

"You haven't said much," he said. "That's okay, though. It took Enid 3 weeks to even say 'hi'."

I just bit the inside of my cheek. Enid was staring at me and I could feel the hatred in her eyes. I took that as a warning. "Maybe I should go," I whispered.

I didn't wait for a response, I just walked out of Ron's house and toward my dad's. I would rather be alone than be with Enid for the whole day.

I searched the house for a notebook to make into a journal so I can get my feelings out. After about 20 minutes, I finally found one. It was blue. Carl's favorite color.

But, whatever. I opened it to the first page and started writing an entry.

Making New Friends:
Well, that didn't go so well. I'm already making enemies and I've only been here for 32 hours. My thoughts -

Enid: she seems kinda harsh. I really wanna be her friend, but I don't think she would agree.


Mikey: he's okay, I guess.

My life is sooo interesting -sarcasm-.

I heard a noise while I was writing. The opening of the gates. I sighed and got up from where I was sitting and sat down on the steps of the porch, resting my head on the railing.

I stayed like that until about 10 minutes when I saw them come outside to look around. Why do I always find my way back to them? Are they following me or something?

Carl looked over and we locked stares. I got up, turned around, and went back inside my house. I'm so done with Carl Grimes. He's shattering me.

I slid down and started balling my eyes out. I didn't want him here. This was supposed to be my fresh start. But how stupid of me, to think fresh starts actually existed.

Author's Note:

Next time on Broken -
"I already said too much. I already shared too much, and I want all of my secrets back. I hate getting close to people these days, I always regret sharing too much, caring too much, doing too much, feeling too much..."

"She's gonna say she's happy for you. She's gonna smile and say she's happy for you. But look into her eyes. You broke her."

"I'm moving on from your bullshit."



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