Chapter 25 - Alexandria

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"Who were you before all of this?" the lady doing my interview asked.

"Um...well...I lived with my dad in the mom died giving birth to me. My best friend, Emma...I don't think she made it. No one could survive that outbreak...especially since she was deeper in the city than I was...I didn't really have any friends except her," I replied.

"What happened to your father?"

I looked down. I killed not one, but both of my parents. I'm trying so hard not to cry. You know that feeling you get when you are so close to crying that there's just this ball in your throat that prevents you from saying or doing anything but crying? Yeah, well...welcome to my life.

"He didn't make it...," I choked out.

"I'm very sorry for your loss...but you're safe now. There are kids your age here, can make some new friends. You can even live with them, if you'd like. You are protected. We will survive this under any circumstances."

She held out her hand and I took it saying, "Thank"

"You can call me Deanna. Deanna Monroe," she grinned.

Deanna led me out and handed me over to Aaron, who said I could just explore whatever. I already handed in my weapons to Olivia, another woman of the people in charge. I didn't want to look at the houses just yet...I just wanted to relax.

I sat on the steps leading to a porch of a random house and rested my head against the railing. I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking about what Alexandria would mean for me.

The people here don't look like they could last a day out there. They've been in here this whole time, while we had to fight for our lives. I don't want to become weak too. I don't want to be like them.

I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, and looked around at what is now my reality. Kids were playing on the streets, all happy with no care in the world.

Then, I saw him.

No, not Carl.


He turned around and looked at me, too stunned to even say a word or walk over. So I did it for him. I ran over and hugged the crap out of him while managing to sob my eyes out.

"I thought you were dead...," I whispered against his shirt.

He didn't say anything, he just held me tighter. I felt a few tear drops on my head, but I didn't mind. All that mattered was that this was real. He was actually here. And alive.

"How...?" He asked, slightly confused. I assumed he meant to ask how I was alive. But before I could answer, Deanna came out and called him, motioning him to come over.

"Aiden! We need dinner tonight, so you better get hunting!" She yelled.

"Yeah...okay...just-just hold on!" He replied.

He slowly released his grip on me and looked at me with an apologetic face. Then, his face brightened up.

"Do you want to go hunting with me?" He asked eagerly.

Of course I want to go hunting with him...he is my dad after all. I would worry about making new friends later. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.

After hunting, Dad and I went back to his place. We killed about twenty squirrels, which would last us the night. They told us they were putting it in some soup, which sounded even better.

His place was huge, like most of the houses here. When you walk in, to your left is the living room and to your right is the kitchen. In the middle, there is the stairs that lead up to the second floor.

The second floor has 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The biggest one is my dad's. He wanted me to be as close to him as possible, so I moved in in the bedroom on the left of his. The bedrooms are really plain, but I still loved them.

Currently, he is outside smoking a cigarette. I don't really blame him. You need something to keep you on track in this world...even if it is bad for you, you know?

When I was 6, I was bullied at school by this kid, Winster. And when I told my dad about it he said:

"Honey, he's just a boy. Don't let him ruin you."

And now that I think about it...Carl Grimes was just a boy. And I let him ruin me.

Author's Note:

Dedication: moonlightersxo

I seriously love this girl to death and I cannot express how much I miss her and the fact that she's the only person who fully supports me on what I'm doing (whom I know in real life). She's just really amazing and sweet and nice and she has a really good story called This is How it Ends and you guys should go check it out. It's amazing.



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