✧ V LIVE 04 Mark & Fai✧

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FA: Honestly... I don't want to make excuses for myself.

MA: You're doing really well.

FA: I used to be the type that would break down whenever I made mistakes, I felt like people had to tiptoe around me. Now when I make mistakes, obviously I always want to perform at my best, but I think that it's okay because now I know exactly what to work on during practice. I've accepted the fact that I can't be perfect.

MA: That's good, it's honestly relieving that you have this mentality now.

FA: Last year, especially during my 2018 tour. I was an emotional mess.

MA: That's a nice way to put it yeah. As compared to last year, you're much more emotionally aware. Also because of that tour you had last year, you honestly helped me a lot.

FA: Did I?

MA: I had my first tour this year, you dumped a bunch of advice on me. It was a bit much at first, but I found myself actually taking your advice and they worked really well.

FA: I know I know, I've said this one too many times, but I'm great when it comes to giving advice.

MA: You should probably stop saying that, you're overhyping yourself.

FA: I'm not.

MA: No, you most definitely are.

FA: Anyways.

MA: What're you into these days?

FA: Ummm...A hobby of mine that has actually stuck throughout the years, is going to art museums. Now that I'm on tour, I've thankfully been able to see artworks that I've always wanted to see.

MA: Why is it you go a lot?

FA: I'm not good at drawing or painting at all, I go because I'm forcing my spirit to take in all the art so I can be a painter in my next life.

MA: Is that really it?

FA: No, I'm kidding sort of. I just go because it's fun to me and I like to learn about how people convey their emotions. Like when you go to an art museum, you learn about the artist's circumstances, the historical context and you get to see some interviews of how the artist was feeling when they created the art. After you learn all of that, you look back at the painting and for example even the brushstrokes look different. It makes you understand how the artist must've been feeling at that time. As I look at these things, I sort of discover my own style. It makes me want to express my feelings to others like this.

MA: When I go to a museum next time, I'll keep that in mind. I don't know much about these things.

FA: I don't either. I don't have a profound knowledge in Art at all.

MA: I rarely go to museums. But Felicity and I talk about these things a lot, so she does have an influence on me. Anyways, when I was in New York, I decided to go to an art museum with one of the members as well. I realized I know nothing about how to appreciate art. I would see a nude painting and my thoughts would be, "Why is he naked?" I had such one-dimensional thoughts.

FA: I understand how you feel, honestly there are times I would look at paintings the same way as well. I saw the Mona Lisa and I wondered why in the world is this the most famous painting? It's not even in A4 paper, it's so bland, her eyebrows and smile scare me. But then I thought about it, the painting isn't famous because the lady in it is pretty. It's famous because no one knows why Da Vinci painted it, why he kept the painting with him until he died. I was thinking that the painting was so overrated because I had a prejudice and this thought that it was going to be so great.

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