Chapter 45

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Walking along towards the mountain, following Narakus acrid smell, the dai-yokai allowed his mind to wander back to thoughts of Noro.

That woman was so reckless. She even ran ahead of himself while they were retrieving Rin from the dead mercenaries. A mortal like herself should know better than to fight the undead. And her hair...

It mattered nothing to him what the length of her hair was, truly. He just hadn't... understood why she'd wanted to shorten her locks to begin with. But now, only after the woman had been severely injured, and yet still found the strength to comfort and reassure his ward, did he realize her intent.

Sesshomaru scoffed quietly, his face emotionless. Humans. So reckless. She'd do anything for Rin, including not only self sacrifice, but giving up her dignity as a woman. It was almost, well, admirable.

The demon lord caught himself then, blinking once. Him, admire a human? Not a chance. She was just a human, a pitiable, cursed, mortal human, even worse off in life than his own ward, Rin.

His lips twitched minusculely in wryness. No, she be indeed be cursed, but pitiable? Norowareta the human was anything but.

To be certain, there were some aspects of hers that reminded this Sesshomaru of his annoying and obnoxious half-brother. They were both boneheaded. The gall that possessed her to fight this one when they had first met, though half dead she was, was something that she and Inuyasha shared.

But then, of course, Noro was far-

The dai-yokai thoughts were interrupted by Narakus voice from up ahead.

" fate, in a never ending circle," Naraku monologued. "Your meeting with Kanske was not a coincidence. The frail old man wanted a place to die, and was all too easy to manipulate. I spread the rumors of Mount Hakure, and thus the two of you met. I lured you here Kikyo!"

Kikyo. The woman that his half blood brother was so infatuated with over 50 years ago. Sesshomaru had run into the undead priestess more than once, and still did not understand his brothers continued interest in the spirit. Her heart was cold and full of hatred. She was no longer human. And yet Inuyasha continued to chase after her, no matter how she eluded him, all because he loved her when she was alive. In the end, he was sealed to a sacred tree for his troubles, and even after he was fortunate enough to be released, he chased after her, all because he loved her. And now...

"I am in control of what you humans call destiny or fate."

Inuyasha love was facing his enemy alone, and where was he?

"Sometimes, you aren't around," Noros voice echoed inside his head.


"You're rambling Naraku," Kikyo replied.

"That's right. You wanted to know my true purpose here. Then, I shall show you!"

Sesshomaru heard the sound of shattering clay, and a gasp of shock and pain from the priestess. Naraku had wounded her, badly.

The abomination laughed cruelty. "I forgot! An imatation body like yours doesn't even bleed!"

"Curse you Naraku!"

"It's your own fault Kikyo. You underestimated my power."

She was silent, and Naraku spoke up again, gloating.

"You came here, oh so confident in my former inability to kill you, just so long as I had that worthless Onigumos heart. But now? I feel nothing but bliss."

Perhaps then the priestess had glanced around, looking for a way to escape, because the demon lord heard Naraku say, "a river of my miasma froths at the bottom of that chasm. Your body wouldn't last a minute in its depths. This is where you die!"

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