Chapter 4

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They continued on in this way for a couple weeks as Noro healed. Over that period of time, Noro learned that Sesshomaru was on the Path of Supreme Conquest. However, there was a powerful half demon named Naraku, that was an obstacle in that quest, and so the demon lord was looking to kill him. She also learned that Tokigin, the straight blade of Sesshomarus two swords, was created from the fang of one of Naraku's offspring.

When she asked about his left arm, Noro was told that Sesshomaru's father Touga, made two powerful swords, the Tessaiga, and the Tenseiga. While Tenseiga was given to Sesshomaru, the Tessaiga was bequeathed to a half demon, Sesshomaru's fathers illegitimate son, Inuyasha. Apparently it was Inuyasha who took off Sesshomaru's arm, in a duel.

While Jaken insisted that "Milord despises Inuyasha", the dai-yokai refused any questions.

And then there came the day that Noro's wounds completely healed.

"Rin, I think that it's time for me to go; thanks to you, I'm all healed."

Rin pouted, and turned to Sesshomaru.

"Lord Sesshomaru, tell Lady Noro that she should stay with us!"

Sesshomaru glanced at the young girl. "She can make that decision for herself Rin. I have no interest as to wether she stays or goes."

The orphan started to tear up, and Noro crossed her arms. "Well gee, what a way to say you care."

"Is that so," he replied smoothly.

Noro knelt down in front of Rin. "In any case," she said, "Rin, I need to find out what happened to my family. I was separated from them when you found me."

Rin looked down, wiped her tears, and sighed. Then she looked back up, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Well," she said slowly, "could we at least take you to the nearest village? It's dangerous to go through the woods all by yourself. There might be wolves." She said the last phrase with a shudder.

Noro contemplated it for a moment. She didn't want to leave, but there was her secret. And the forest. And Rin. Noro turned to the indifferent Sesshomaru.

"Is there a village nearby?"

He gazed at her coldly. "There's the stench of a human settlement two days journey from here."

Noro rolled her eyes at his usual sass. "Well when you put it like that, how can I refuse?"

"Yay," Rin grabbed Noro's hand. Noro put on a strained smile. Tonight, it would happen again tonight, but only if she couldn't get away. She had to get away.


You know, I said this'd be longer, but I guess that wasn't true! I figured the next part would make more sense by itself! Foreshadowing!!!

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