Chapter 20

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The group turned eastward when they heard rumors of Naraku near the holy waters of Lake Morifuli. Noro surmised that the spider might be trying to drain power from the energy infested waters.

"If what we know about Naraku is true, it might be a likely reason behind his appearance by the lake," she said thoughtfully one evening, as the two sat around the fire. Rin and Jaken had already fallen asleep.

"Naraku is made from thousands of common demons, united by a mans hatred and lust. If he tries to ingest water from the holy lake, its properties would destroy his essence," the demon lord replied.

Noro nodded. "Well, then it's unlikely that power is the reason for his appearance."

There was a touch of silence, and then the woman spoke again.

"What little I know of the lake comes from rumor and story. Apparently, after her heart had been broken by a man, a powerful priestess went to the lakes shrine, to pray to its goddess, begged the deity for forgiveness, and threw herself into the waters. The goddess saved the woman's life, and purged her of her memories, allowing her to live a peaceful life."

"Hng," was all Sesshomaru said in reply.

Noro shook her head. "It doesn't make sense to me though," she said.

When Sesshomaru glanced her way curiously, the woman explained.

"If the priestess's memory was taken, where did the story come from? The goddess? The man? I doubt it. I believe the story is fake, meant to draw in tourists for money."

Sesshomaru nodded.

As they continued talking, Noro reflected in the back of her mind about her recent interactions with the stoic demon lord.

The yokai seemed to have opened up to her a bit more lately. Well, been less closed off. She found it strange, and yet not altogether unwanted, that she was able to speak so easily with the standoffish chunk of jade. He was quite knowledgeable about politics and warfare, and she enjoyed listening to his voice. Noro also liked teaching him about things she knew, although she was unsure as to whether or not the demon lord was listening to her.

Suddenly, the object of her ruminations stood up and made a motion for her to be quiet. Sesshomaru's eyes glanced from side to side around the meadow, and he sniffed the air.

"What is it," Noro asked quietly, now acutely aware of the stillness surrounding them.

"Stay here," he said simply, and leapt into the air.

Noro reacted without thought, snatching the end of his mokomoko, and hung on for dear life as he sped away through the sky.

She was beyond disoriented when they landed, her legs immediately folding underneath her to rest on the ground.

Sesshomaru stood in front of her, obscuring what lay before them.

"What are you doing here half-breed?"

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