Chapter 61

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Needless to say, when Noro came back to the hut, there was a bit of a commotion. Rin was ecstatic of course. Within minutes she was climbing all over Mōka. The horse had tried to shake the girl off, but when Noro glared at it and made a disapproving sound it gave a deep sigh, enduring its humiliation.

Jaken was distraught of course, squawking and running about like so many chickens, quite upset. Then the demon horse walked over and leaned down into Jaken's face. The suddenly intimidated imp froze with sweat rolling down his brow. Then Mōka snorted, covering Jaken in a cloud of smoke and setting his cloak ablaze.

Noro giggled as the imp ran around trying put himself out. Next to her, Sesshomaru watched the situation unfold apathetically.

"I am sorry about the trouble," she apologized to the demon lord. "Mōka was trapped. I couldn't stand by and do nothing. Though, I didn't know that freeing him would mean I'd get saddled with him. It seems I picked up your habit of attracting strays." She chuckled.

Sesshomaru looked at her.

The woman wasn't looking at him; it seemed that Jaken put succeeded in putting himself out and was now futilely chasing the demon horse, who was carrying a laughing Rin, around with the Staff of Two Heads. The groups antics had caused Noro to smile merrily, and her eyes glittered, ridding the traces of exhaustion and fatigue from the past weeks from her face. After watching her for a moment, he spoke.

"You named it Mōka?"

She glanced at him questioningly. "He's got a fiery mane and tail, so yeah, I think it fits. Why do you ask?"

He smirked. "The next time you attract another creature, you should let Rin name it."


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