Chapter 22

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When they landed, the woman stepped away from Sesshomaru, turning quickly to face him.

"Alright, out with it."

The dai yokai raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to tell me how idiotic I was for leaving Rin and Jaken, right?"

"Your words."

"Yes well, I would tell you the same, leaving your charges to go off chasing after one of your fathers stupid swords."

Sesshomaru blinked, surprise crossing his face as Noros words sunk in. Then anger.

"You will not speak so disrespectfully to this Sesshomaru, woman," he hissed.

"I will speak however I like. You don't scare me one bit, Perfect Killer."

Within two seconds, the dai yokai was in front of her, eyes gleaming as he leaned down. Noro felt her courage waver slightly, but pride steadied her heart as Sesshomaru spoke softly.

"Perhaps you should be."

Noro blinked, her pupils dilating scarlet for an instant as she grabbed the empty arm of his robe, dragging him even closer.

"Maybe, you should fear me instead."

An owl hooted, and the woman let go as Sesshomaru stepped backwards.

"Fear you, a mortal woman? Feh, you make me laugh."

"Laugh all you wish, but it doesn't change that in this situation, I was wiser than you. Good night, oh great demon lord."

With that, Noro ended the conversation, turning and walking back towards the sleeping figures of Rin and Jaken.

Anger clenched her fists. The damn dog demon, so high and mighty with his words. He was so full of pride and held a nigh childish obsession with his fathers sword. That blade blinded him to anything else. It nearly got them into a battle, for kamis sake! That idiot man should be thankful that she grabbed onto his silly mokomoko.


Sesshomaru had never so furious before, while being unable to take his frustrations out in battle. As Noro walked away, the demon lord knew that Noro had been correct in her accusations.

If not for her quick thinking and timely intervention, he almost certainly would have crossed swords with his half brother again.

That very thought had his hand against his sword, and his teeth grinding together. He was the Perfect Killer, lord and ruler of Western Japan. If anyone challenged his authority, they would not live another day.

But he found that he could not lift his blade from his side.

Noro was right of course, about him, and no matter how much he disliked and tried to deny that fact, he found that he would rather deal with his mistake head on. Plus, he reasoned, he had come to appreciate their late night discussions, her open and brash honesty a welcoming change of perspective. He valued her counsel. He did not had the heart to silence her, and would rather not have to explain Noros sudden disappearance to Rin, who would likely be distraught.

Sesshomaru let go of his sword, a thought crossing his mind that never had before.

He should apologize.

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