Chapter 38

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"Gah, Kagura! You get back... here?"

Noro blinked. She was alone, and sitting on the ground. Kagura was gone.

She stood up rubbed her eyes, and glanced around the empty clearing, before kneeling over and picking up her discarded weapons, which had somehow made their way to the ground during her fight. She dusted them off, and stuck them back into their sheaths. Where were Rin and Jaken?

Noro knew that she had told Jaken to grab Rin and run, but now that Kagura was gone, it was safer for them all to be together, especially now that there was solid proof that Naraku was nearby. She hurriedly ran in the direction that she had seen the imp take earlier, cursing under her breath.

She truly didn't enjoy leaving Rin and Jaken on the their own, even when it was necessary. Knowing Sesshomaru, he was probably nearby somewhere, but even that didn't appease her thoughts, and a small voice in Noros mind wondered traitorously if he would even be there for them. She squashed the idea and quickened her pace, coming to the edge of a cliff that overlooked a deep valley, with Mount Hakure looming at its end.

Noro rubbed her forehead, thinking. She knew that there was something deeply wrong about that lonely mountain. It hurt her eyes just to glance at it. Then, she heard a cry down below.

It was Rins.

Noros eyes began to gleam red, and without hesitation, she leapt down into the valley.

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