Chapter 79

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Noro glared at the demoness as she walked in, smoke obscuring her feet. "Whatever you think you're doing, I promise you that it'll fail."

"That's right," Kagome chimed in. "Inuyasha's gonna kick your asses."

The demoness twisted her head towards Kagome abruptly, a smile on her lips. "And yet it was so easy for my brother to steal you away from him." Kagome flinched back, but the defiant expression never left her face.

"Why haven't you killed us then," Noro questioned. "If you really think that we're that important, then it would make more sense to kill us now."

"Oh, don't worry, that's what I'm planning on."

Then the demoness disappeared into smoke as doors to the room opened with a groan, and two other demons walked in.

The one dressed in black went and stood beside Kagome's cage, and the other, dressed in green, stood beside Noro's, smacking her hand down on her cage loudly. Rin stirred, but did not wake.

"So, you're the wench that's been following that Sesshomaru around huh," the demoness said crassly. "I bet you can't get much from the Ice Prince though. Just like our brother Takuma over there," she gestured to the demon dressed in black. "All that goes through his mind is carnage. Well that and whatever order Kasumi gives him."

"Enough Hama," the demoness that had attacked Noro walked through the door. "Now is not the time."

Hama proceeded to whine about being bossed around, but Noro didn't hear any of it. Instead, her vision was focused on the object that the demoness, Kasumi, held in her hands.

It was round like the Shikon no Tama, but larger, and it glowed a pale white with shades of blue rolling through it like waves. Just the presence of it made her skin crawl. When the woman looked at it, it suddenly felt as though she was staring at the full, imposing moon, and a strike like lightning went through her head.

Wincing, she looked away and covered her eyes with a hand, but Noro could still feel the strange moonlike aura of the jewel.

"What is that," she asked.

Kasumi held it up, the light from the pearl-like gem reflecting in the demonesses violet eyes. She seemed enraptured by the movement within, and spoke reverently.

"This is the Mitsutama, the Pearl of Tidal Waves. It holds the strength and souls of our entire family, from Ryujin, the first king under the seas, to our father, Ryūkotsusei. And once we sacrifice you three to unleash its power, we will use it to engulf all of Japan with our might, and rule as its conquerors."

The demoness set the pearlesque object down in the center of the pedestal, where it fit snugly into the statue's open mouth.

"We had nearly succeeded 200 years ago under my father, and our followers were willing to give their souls to the Mitsutama, but Inu Taisho and his arrogant son stopped us before we could succeed. Our youkai was linked to our father, so when he was sealed away, so were we."

Hama made a fist with her hand, slamming it down on the top of the woman's cage, and Noro watched in shock as green scales began to coat the demonesses hand.

"That bastard slaughtered every last one of our men," the demoness snarled. "He killed them all without a second thought! And then his little brother had the audacity to kill Dad!" Hama drove her fist into the metal again, bending it slightly. "I'm still mad about it!"

Kasumi waited until her sisters seething had quieted, and then spoke. "Now is the time. The brothers approach. Hama, Takuma, your scales please."

Together, the three reached out towards the gem, their hands shifting into claws. Three scales dropped from the siblings' hands; sky blue, forest green, and deep black. But instead of landing on the pedestal, they were caught by light emanating from the pearl, and hung in the air, glowing eerily.

Just then a burst of noise sounded outside the room, a loud rumble as though an avalanche had taken place. Kasumi looked up sharply, her violet eyes searching at something no one else could see.

"It seems that the sword that the little brother possesses is quite strong," she spoke suddenly, smoke escaping from her mouth as she let out an exasperated hiss. She turned sharply towards her brother.

"He broke through our barrier. The jewel is not ready yet. Take care of him."

The large yokai immediately moved into action, and stepped backwards into the shadows, disappearing. Then Kasumi turned to her sister, pulling her pipe from her robes and taking a puff.

"I have to go deal with Sesshomaru. Stay here and guard them Hama. They are NOT to be underestimated." She pointed her pipe at her sister.

Hama wasted no time in complaining. "That's so unfair! Why do I have to stay behind!"

"Because you are the one best suited for this Hama. You and I both know that you are the strongest of us three when it comes to defense, so stay here, and keep the Mitsutama safe. Do you understand?"

Hama grumbled, crossing their arms childishly. "Yes," she answered quietly.


Then Kasumi disappeared.


I wanna note that I never have, nor likely ever will, watch Yasha-hime, so the similarities between the Mitsutama and the Blue/Green Rainbow Pearls is entirely coincidental.

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