Chapter 32

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They spent only a few more days at Totosis forge, tweaking various aspects of Noros new weapons, as well as a resharpening of Sesshomarus blades, before saying goodbye to the sword smith, and moving on.

Noro had begun to wear her long brown hair in braids, or tied up out of her face, complaining to Rin that not only did the wind whip it into her eyes and mouth during the day, but that lately, she had been waking up in the morning to find it knotted through with sticks and dirt. It was easier just to keep it up and out of the way.

Noros hoarse shout echoed across the clearing, followed by a dull thwack.


She lunged, and Sesshomaru easily blocked the half hearted blow. "Again!"





Strands of hair stuck to Noros forehead, and she took a step back, panting hard, before charging at the dai-yokai in a fit of anger. She swung her weapon above her head to inflict a mighty blow!

With a loud crack, the oak branch that she was using flew out of her hands, knocking Jaken in the head in the process, and Sesshomaru pointed his own branch at Noro, a light look of frustration crossing his face.

"Never attack mindlessly," he scolded. He lowered the weapon. "Take a break. We're done for today."

Noro was too exhausted to care, and plopped down onto the grass where she stood. The strain was starting to get to her.

Rin walked up to her with a water sac, giving it to the exhausted woman. Noro proceeded to drink most of it, and poured the rest of it over her head, the cold rivulets of water trickling down her neck causing her to shiver. As Noro thanked the child for the refreshment, Sesshomaru stared at her, his expression unreadable.

Sesshomaru had ordered Jaken to find the branches that Noro and himself were sparring with days ago, and the woman had yet to land a blow on his person. All she had to show for her troubles, were bruises, a couple of cracked ribs, and sore muscles.

"You're getting better every day Lady Noro," he listened as Rin complimented the woman.

"Do you really think so Rin," she replied. Noro took a glance over at Sesshomaru, who quickly feigned disinterest. "It's been over a week now, and I still haven't even managed to make him move his feet. He's only got one arm for kami's sake! How hard can it be?"

"Don't feel so bad Lady Noro," Rin stated. "You've been doing very well. Lord Sesshomaru is very powerful, so of course it will be hard."

Noro sighed. "Thanks Rin. You always make me feel better."

She stood up, and put her hand gently on the child's shoulder, walking with her.

"Rin, you know that you can just call me Noro, right? I'm not a noble woman or priestess. You don't need to be so formal with me."

"I know," Rin said lightly, " but you're special to me!"

Noro chuckled. "You're adorable. Hey Sesshomaru!"

His silver head turned towards her inquisitively.

"Is there a place nearby where I can wash off? I feel disgusting, all covered in grime and sweat."

He nodded, and pointed to the west. "There's a stream in that direction."

The woman smiled. "Thanks!"

Rin jumped up and down beside her excitedly. "Can I come too?"

"Sure Rin." Noro scratched her neck absentmindedly. "We can wash each others hair, and if you want, I can braid yours so that it will come out in curls tomorrow."


"Good! Hey, Jaken!" Noro called to the imp while she grabbed the bath soaps and a couple sets of clothes from A-Uns saddlebags. "Get a fire going before we come back, ok? If Rin and I are lucky, we might bring home dinner."

"I don't take orders from you woman," he squawked.

Noro narrowed her eyes at the demon. "If you don't, I'll slice off your toes," she warned.

Jaken gulped, and watched the two females walk off. Sesshomaru's eyes followed them as well.

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