Chapter 24- Convergence

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A/N: I know, I'm a terrible author but my life has been kind of crazy lately so the chapters might be weeks or even months apart. I graduate in December and right now I have a bunch of projects in my classes since finals are approaching so I'm really sorry. Hope you enjoy the chapter and sorry it's so short! ~J😘😍

3rd Person P.O.V.

3 Months Later

Jessica Gilbert wakes up the night before her twin sister's wedding to the sound of babies crying. She smiles slightly to herself as she feels the absence of weight in her bed, knowing that Damon had gotten up to try and put the twins back down. This always happened. When one twin awoke, the other wasn't far behind. It was absolutely adorable the way they seemed connected and Jessica wonders if she and Meredith would've been that way had the guardians never taken her.

Her smile quickly drops at the thought of the guardians and the prophecy. Jessica wonders sometimes if being a banshee truly is a curse because, without it, she wouldn't know anything about the prophecy except that they believed her to be the one it speaks of and that it has something to do with a council. Jessica desperately wishes that she just knew there was a council. Sometimes knowledge was a curse.

She shakes these thoughts off as she approaches the nursery where her smile instantly appears on her face. There, inside the nursery, are Damon and Klaus, each with a twin in their arm as they attempt to negotiate with the twins to get them to go back to sleep. "We can go to the park tomorrow after the wedding," Damon starts.

"All you have to do is sleep," Klaus finishes in a pleading voice that makes Jessica giggle, drawing the hybrids' attention. Klaus frowns at the sight of her. "We were trying to let you sleep."

"It's okay. I get more sleep than both of you," she points out, knowing that she sleeps whenever she can, and since she can actually get the twins to sleep that happens often. "Give me them," she orders and both men obey, eager to see how she always gets the twins down. They are both disheartened to find that both babies quiet down the minute they are in their mother's arms.

"It's not fair," Damon exclaims quietly, making Jessica chuckle.

"They're just used to me. One of them probably had a bad dream and it's natural instinct to crave their mother's touch for a calming effect," she explains. "I'll stay with them until they fall asleep. You two go back to bed. Meredith will have your head if you ruin her wedding."

"You mean you'll have our heads? Meredith would be fine just going to the courthouse. She just wanted you to get to plan her wedding since you didn't get to plan Caroline's," Damon points out.

"She probably should've married my brother before she got pregnant," Klaus adds, making Jessica roll her eyes.

"Whatever. Go to bed you two." They both chime in sarcastic agreement before leaving Jessica in the room with the twins. As Jessica pulls out a book and begins to read, the sound of her voice slowly lulling the babies to sleep, both men head back to their rooms with heavy hearts and the worry that they will never be able to experience the same ceremonies their brothers had.


The next morning, Jessica wakes up before Damon and leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. She smiles as he twitches slightly before she gets up. Almost as if he can feel the change in pressure of the bed, he turns towards Jessica's side of the bed and cuddles into her pillow. Jessica carefully tip-toes out of the room and heads to Meredith's spare room.

She smiles as she enters seeing her twin fast asleep with a peaceful smile on her face. Jessica was surprised that Meredith waited so long for the wedding. With her being so close to her due date, Jessica feared that Meredith might go into labor with all the excitement the wedding would cause, but she shoved the fear down and carefully shakes her awake.

"Today's the day, little sis. The best day of your life," she says in a sing-song voice that makes Meredith giggle as she wakes up.

"Coming from the girl planning to never get married."

"I did plan to get married," Jessica defends. "I planned on marrying Klaus but then everything in Beacon Hills happened and...." she trails off and Meredith nodded.

"And then everything got so messed up with Damon and Klaus and before you knew it, you were pregnant with their children," she finishes and Jessica nods solemnly before clearing her throat.

"Okay! Hop in the shower and I will get everything ready. Today is going to be the best day!" Jessica says in a cheery voice, trying to redirect the mood of the day. It seems to work as Meredith smiles and heads to the bathroom. As soon as she is out of eyesight, Jessica's smile falls, already getting a bad feeling about how this day would end.


A few hours later, Klaus Mikaelson wakes up and heads to his brother's room to wake him up. After nudging him awake, Elijah heads to the bathroom to shower while Klaus begins to set out Elijah's tuxedo as he messages Damon to ensure that everything for the wedding is getting set up properly. Damon assures him that he, Freya, and Rebekah have it covered.

Once that is finished, Klaus stands there for a second, just looking at Elijah's tux. Completely black except for his baby blue bow-tie and handkerchief that matches Meredith's choice for the bridesmaid dresses. Klaus can't help himself from wondering what color Jessica would pick and how the wedding would go and if she would marry him and Damon at the same time or if there would be two separate ceremonies before the realization that she may never want to marry them because of their odd relationship hits him.

He's broken out of his thoughts by his older brother's voice. "She'll come around."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, dear brother, but I fear you should begin getting dressed for your big day or you may be late and then Jessica will have your head on the claim that it is on Meredith's behalf," he jokes but Elijah merely stares at his brother, towel still tied around his waist.

"Did Freya ever tell you what Jessica told her after I mistakenly daggered you?" He asks out of the blue and Klaus frowns while shaking his head. "She told Freya that she was glad that Freya liked her because she planned on you making an honest woman out of her one day and she wanted to get along with her in-laws. She loves you, Niklaus, she's just at odds with the situation but she'll come around."

"You say that as if she's Meredith but she's not. Jessica's always been her own person with her own way of thinking. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't and nothing will change her mind."

"Have you talked to her?"

"If we bring it up, it may just make her angry. The last time I proposed, we weren't in the best place. I fear that if I mention it once more, she'll remember how badly Damon and I handled the news of her pregnancy. If she remembers that anger, I don't know if she'll be able to forgive us again. I've lost her too many times on account of my stupidity, brother. I can't lose her again." Klaus looks at him with a pleading look that Elijah can't ignore so he simply nods, allowing Klaus to leave and get ready for the wedding himself.


Later that day, everyone gathers for the wedding. Jessica and Klaus walked down together as the Maid of Honor and the Best Man. Kol officiated and Freya, Rebekah, Finn, and Marcel were the groomsmen and bridesmaids. Everything went great. They got married and held the reception at the compound as they planned. Everybody was happy....until Jessica just disappeared.

One minute she was laughing and having a good time and the next, she was gone. As everyone at that reception looked for her, Jessica opened her eyes to an odd room that she had never seen before. She looked around, trying to find anything that seemed familiar, before a chilling voice, one that she had only ever heard in her dreams, a voice that chilled her to the core and made her realize exactly why she had been having a bad feeling all day.

"Hello, Jessica. I believe it's time that we all talked, wouldn't you say?" Jessica slowly turned around to notice the three women sitting behind a long desk. Almost as if they were judges and Jessica was having a court hearing. That's when it occurred to her. This was the council and Jessica was, in fact, on trial. Unfortunately, she wasn't sure what for but she was confident that it couldn't be good.

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