Chapter 30- Breaking Into Universes

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3rd Person P.O.V.

It took the two a few hours to explain everything that the small group would endure as the future went on and nobody wanted to believe it but they could all tell that they were real and telling the truth. They could tell that the two men desperately wanted to get back to where they belonged with their beloved and their twins. So they agreed to help. "Okay, are you sure you two are up for this?" Jessica asks, getting ready to do the spell.

"Are you sure you have the power, love? If I remember correctly, you aren't very intuned with what your limits are. You've almost killed me multiple times."

She nods her head at Klaus's concern. "I know that I wasn't doing the best but with my anger in check, well mostly, I can control it. If it gets to be too much, I have Caroline here to ground me."

"Right, she's your anchor for when you turn right now, right?" Jessica nods at Damon's question with a smile as the two men lay on the floor and Jessica begins the spell. As soon as the spell takes effect, they find themselves in Klaus's mind at the exact moment he had awoken in his illusion. "So how does this work?" Damon wonders. "How do we know if it's a reality or illusion?"

"Well in an illusion, things will look like they are. Mirrors are distorted, you can't read, and similar to dreams you'll have more than 10 fingers. A different reality wouldn't have any of these errors, it would simply be the same as your normal life but with a small change of events." They watch as the scene gets heated and Jessica turns away in surprise, not used to the idea of herself with Nik. "Do you have more than 10 fingers?" She asks and the two men chuckle.

"Sorry, love but I have the perfect amount of extremities." She sighs before snapping her fingers and the scene changes. Now they are in Damon's head and lucky for them, this one is quick due to the mirror Damon had in his room to admire himself. She groans and takes them back to reality, the trio waking up with a gasp.

"Was it an illusion?" Bonnie queries hopefully but Jessica shakes her head, confusing the two friends.

"Okay, I may have magic now but I'm not exactly an expert. Why do you two look like it not being an illusion is a death sentence?"

"Because, Day, illusions are easy to break which makes them easy to enter as well. Different realities are hard to enter or exit. I don't know how you two managed it."

The two frown before Alaric speaks. "It was their devotion, their love for you." Everyone turns to him in confusion so he elaborates. "You said that my ring made me crazy right? That I wanted to kill any and everyone associated with vampires except for Jessica, correct?"

"Yeah, it was weird. Even Esther thought it was off. Elena said she mentioned something about how the only thing stronger than the poison of the ring was your love for your daughter."

Ric nods as though he had proved his point. "Exactly. They say that there's nothing stronger than a parent's love but the love of a mate is pure energy. Especially if it's natural."

"But they were bonded to her magically," Stefan points out but Caroline smiles.

"Which broke when Jessica died. You said that the two of you are completely linked right?" The two men nod. "Well, that means you're both vampires, witches, and werewolves, just like Jessica. Mate bonds are only between wolves, right? So maybe it couldn't form until you were all equals."

"If we are natural mates then that could explain how you got out. My magic is tied to my emotion and if you practice my nature magic then so is yours. So if your love was strong enough to break through the cloud of memories you inherited in the new dimension then maybe it was too strong."

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