Chapter 15- Saving Freya

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Two weeks after Aurora got the faux white oak knight, she still had yet to make a move which is why I felt justified traveling to Mystic Falls for a week when Caroline went into labor and then helping her, Jo, and Ric with the babies. They named them Josette Olivia Saltzman after the mother she almost lost and the aunt she did lose and Elizabeth Isabelle Saltzman after Caroline's mother and Ric's first love. 

Jo came up with Elizabeth's name saying it was to honor both Caroline and me. She decided, without giving Ric a choice, that Caroline was also these children's mother since she had carried them longer than Jo. She also told me that she wants me in their lives as much as possible.

They are the most adorable little babies in the world and seeing them be born and having Caroline squeeze mine and Stefan's hands as she gave birth just felt right. It turns out, both twins are siphoners which kind of shocked me but it was whatever. I was sad that I had to leave but it was necessary. 

I was needed in New Orleans and some vampire hunter named Reyna Cruz was hunting vampires in Mystic Falls thanks to Lily, who had compelled humans to resurrect Julian so I wouldn't know which led to the death of one of her heretics named Oscar as well as her and Julian's death. Damon decided to grieve with his brother before following me back.

At 29 weeks, I think that I'm finally going to start showing soon, or at least hoping I will. All I can hope is that there is minimal stress to prevent an early birth, something that is likely to happen with twins anyway. My hope is quickly extinguished when I walk into the compound to find Nik hanging the police chief over the balcony in the courtyard. "What the hell are you doing?"

He looks at me in surprise before smiling. "Love, you're back."

"Yeah, I told you it was just for a week. They need to find their dynamic with Jo, Caroline, and Ric all parenting the twins. Now back to my question, what the hell are you doing?"

"He was supposed to find Aurora. I think that after her continued attempts on our family and your nearing due date, she is a threat that needs to be eliminated."

"If you want to find Aurora, you can't expect the police to do it. She spent a century running from Mikael. Just as you lot did, she learned to hide. Lucky for you, I already have an inside man," I state as he brings the police chief from his spot hanging and compels him to leave as my sister and Elijah enter from behind him.

"What do you mean an inside man?" Elijah wonders and I grin taking a seat and motioning them to join me, which they do once they make it to the ground floor.

"Once I realized that Aurora would go against us and most likely target the weakest link, aka the witches such as my sister or Freya, we would need someone to tell us their location so I had Mikael approach her after Thanksgiving. He told her that Esther brought him back before defeating her sister and that he wanted all of you dead because just like Niklaus had done with you lot, he had succeeded in turning his precious Freya against him and as a result, wanted you all to pay. He promised to kill you if she got him a weapon."

"And you trust he will not betray us?" Elijah asks uncertainly.

"Of course. Jessica believes his mental health to be stable and if she trusts him, then so do I," Nik affirms and I grin at him before remembering the fight I had got into with Damon after my outburst at St. Anne's.

Three weeks ago

I watch Damon as he texts his brother. Their mother had freed Julian against my commands and was currently on her deathbed. I sigh as he sets his phone down and approach him. "Are you alright?"

Trial and Error (The Fun Gilbert Book 6)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang