Chapter 4- Making It Up As We Go

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Just as Jessica promised, she and Klaus arrive at the Lockwood manor the next morning. Jessica walks right in before remembering that Klaus can't enter since it technically belongs to Matt which causes her to groan and then walk back to the front door. "Come in," she invites and he immediately steps past the border to look for the Salvatores with her.

"That's what you're not listening to Stefan!" Damon shouts causing the couple to share a look and follow the voice. "I tried to trade myself for Caroline and she wouldn't allow it. I can't even get into the damned house because she signed it over to a living person," he huffs in frustration.

"I can get you in," Jessica offers and both boys turn to her. Damon with a loving grin and Stefan with relief.

"Thank God you're here. I think you're the only one that might have a chance against them," Stefan confesses and Jessica nods.

"It's Caroline. I would give my life for her. Besides, what's a group of heretics against me and the original hybrid?" Jessica then steps out of the way to reveal Klaus.

"You brought Klaus?" Stefan complains but Damon ignores him.

"What happened with original sire boy?"

"He managed to cure a werewolf bite without Klaus's or my blood. I think he made a scientific cure. I want to find his labs and figure out what else he may be cooking up in them. Plus, I think that Tristan and him are up to something. He claims to be in town to ensure that Elijah or Rebekah's sire lines don't kill Klaus to kill off his sires and I'm assuming the Strix are toting the same story but I don't buy it. Why would they both come to town at the same time-"

"Unless they aren't there to help but rather to join forces," he cuts in and Jessica grins.

"Precisely. Now back to Caroline."

"We need a plan," Stefan insists.

"I have one. I'll go in first. Invite Nik and Damon before I go and politely ask for Caroline back and if they don't give her to me then I'll kill them all-"

"Jessica, love. Do you remember what we talked about last night before Damon called?"

"That I'm becoming like you and Damon and that may be a good thing?" She questions in confusion.

"Yes, and you disliked that thought so let's forgo you killing anybody and Damon and I will enter and threaten them before you start a war here."

"Fine," she huffs before leaving to change clothes at her mansion to have a proper conversation.


Back in New Orleans, Detective Kinney arrested Lucien so Vincent and Cami headed to the police station where Meredith went looking for her sister, worried that she had found out what she and Elijah were hiding. "Jessica, great. I'm so glad you're here. We need you to compel Lucien to confess," Cami states and Meredith frowns.

"Isn't that illegal? Besides I'm not Jessica but since you thought I was, I'm guessing she isn't here," she sighs and Cami frowns before an idea comes to her.

"You may not be Jessica but you can pretend to be her. I'm sure it will scare Lucien."

"I don't think that's a good idea. I tried that once and Klaus saw right through me."

"But you're got more practice," Cami tries and Meredith sighs.

"Fine." Meredith channels Jessica before walking into the interrogation room. "Hello again, Lucien was it?" She asks. "We met at Nik's art exhibit. I had the angry boyfriend that Klaus hates."

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