Chapter 29- Past, Present, or Future

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Damon and Klaus spent the entire 8 days watching the events that played out in Mystic Falls. They watched Damon leave town with Elena, the 50s dance. All of it. Finally, the day arrived. "You're sure that these are the events that took place in 2019?" Klaus asks and Damon nods.

"Exactly. Jessica knew Ric was her stepfather when he got to town but she never told anyone until after I killed him. I didn't kill him until after I knew that Isabelle was his wife and I didn't know that she was Jessica's mom."

"Why did you leave with Elena?"

"She had got into a car accident. The vampire we killed at the 50s dance had caused it. He was working with Katherine's best friend's daughter. She wanted to open the tomb to get her mother out and I wanted to get Katherine out. My friend Bree knew what I needed to open the tomb but I lost the crystal. Emily Bennett had possessed Bonnie and used her body to destroy the crystal. I needed a new way to open the tomb and Anna's little helper let slip about the grimoire."

"So who had the grimoire?"

"My father always used to say he'd take things to his grave. He took the grimoire with him quite literally. But it was Jonathan Gilbert that wrote it in his journal."

"And Jessica had it memorized," he states, realizing how she had figured things out and Damon nods.

"Stefan and Elena went to get the journal from Ric but Anna had already stolen it. Ric made a copy, however, so that he would always have it after he returned the journal to Jeremy. He didn't anticipate that he'd be a part of the family forever. I confronted Anna in her motel room after she met with Jeremy at the Grill which is how I saw the journal. Then I went to the grave by myself and Elena and Stefan were already there."

"So what do we do?"

"Follow Jessica there," Damon suggests and Klaus nods.

"We have to be careful. Jessica is always talking about how messing with the past is dangerous unless she uses her powers to enter the past."

"So interacting with my past self is probably a bad idea," Damon states and Klaus shoots him a look as Damon checks his phone. "We should head to the Gilbert house now. Jessica should be leaving soon." They speed to the Gilbert house and watch in the shadows as Jessica rushes out of the house and into the car that Klaus had bought her for her 17th birthday.

They follow her through the woods and into the cemetery to see the scene in front of them. Damon is holding Elena to him, blood smeared on her mouth, as he threatens Stefan to give him the grimoire. "I see you were a real winner," Klaus jokes and Damon snorts quietly, luckily covered by Jessica yelling at them. Klaus gives her a few moments before stepping out, worried that her anger might get the better of them all. "That's quite enough, love. I think they understand they were wrong."

"Who the hell are you?" The past Damon sneers, angry that this new person is calling his girlfriend love.

"Nik? What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here yet."

"I was just coming to check in, love, and noticed that you were leaving your house slightly angry. I followed you and wanted to make sure that your anger didn't get the best of you," he answers pointedly, attempting to convey his message without actually saying it.

"What's he talking about, Jess?" Elena asks.

"Don't call me that," she snaps at her sister before turning to Klaus.

"You're lying," she whispers. "Something's wrong. You're different."

Klaus begins to panic now. He knows he can't mess up the past but he had gravely underestimated Jessica's abilities. "Nothing is different. I assure you of that, love."

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