Chapter 31- What If?

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I love my parents, I always have. They were there for me from the moment they were capable of being there for me. Sure my dad didn't intend to raise me but he came back and he did that because of Miranda. Even though she wasn't my mom, even though my dad had me with another woman, she never resented me for it, she just loved me. She was the best mother I could ever ask for which is why when I lost them, I craved to have them back. I knew deep down that I would lose them eventually but that didn't matter because I always imagined that I would die first.

Maybe that's why it was so easy to fall into step with the life I was thrown into. Perhaps that's why with each passing day, every memory slipped slowly away from me until I was that 13-year-old Jessica Gilbert. The one whose mother never let the Guardians take Meredith, who wanted to be a part of not only my life but Meredith and Elena's as well. I don't really know why I let myself be sucked in but I know that eventually, every memory of Nik and Damon, every memory of the life I lived, the life I will most likely fall into in this life as well, slipped away and I let it.

I would like to say that this is what I'm thinking about in this moment of time but, truth be told, I no longer remember my life and what it is supposed to be, all I remember is who I am now. Which is why, 2 years after I arrived in this new reality, I am currently sitting in my room working on cheer routines with Caroline. "No, Care you have to turn left slightly because otherwise, you'll hit the girl next to you. We're going to be close together, remember?"

"I know, I'm just nervous. You have nothing to worried about. You've been captain for 2 years already so, of course, you're still going to stay reigning captain but this is my chance to be your assistant captain and I can't help but worry that I'm going to mess it up."

"That's why we're practicing, silly. You're going to know the routine better than any of those girls and we're going to kill it at tryouts and be the most popular girls at Mystic Falls High School. Any boy we want will be ours, trust me."

Caroline grins. "Like you have any problems with that now. You don't even need to be a cheerleader. Even Matt is in love with you," she points out and I hit her.

"Care, shut up. You know how Lena feels about him. Besides, I told him he's just projecting his feelings from me to Elena and look how happy they are. Not to mention I would never feel the same way. Why is it that all the guys at Mystic Falls High are so...ick?"

"Because you tend to have tastes far too old for you," my mom's voice comes from the doorway.

"That's not true. Stiles is in high school," I defend, and my mom chuckles.

"Yes but Dylan O'Brien is not and Matthew Gray Gubler, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins aren't anywhere near high school-aged."

"But they are really hot," I say with a smile.

"You're only proving your mom's point, baby," my dad says, grinning from behind her. "Although, I think you could land any of them if they knew you," he informs me with a wink, and I giggle while my mom rolls her eyes and hits him.

"Grayson, don't encourage her," she chuckles. "It's almost dinner time girls and then you can practice your routine in the backyard, I'll even help you, how's that sound?"

"Absolutely amazing! I love you guys," I tell them with a bright smile that they both reflect before walking away.

"I wish I had your parents. My dad is always with Steven and his daughter and my mom's never around."

"Because she's making the town safe for you, dork. Come on, I want to get good seats before Jeremy tries to sit in between us to prevent 'gossip'" I joke, making air quotes around the word and causing my best friend to laugh as she follows me out of the room. We make it downstairs to the table where Meredith is currently getting a headstart on her coursework. "Ugh, give it a rest Mer," I tell her.

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