Chapter 9- Friendsgiving Take 2 (Part 2)

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Klaus gives Jessica a few moments alone before making his way to the kitchen. Normally, Jessica would yell at him for being in there under the claim that he distracts her and makes her burn the food, which he does, but since she has four helpers, he figures he'll be okay. He walks into the kitchen and immediately notices Jessica sitting on the counter with Meredith next to her eating caramels.

He frowns, not remembering a time he saw Meredith eat caramels and knowing that Jessica is eating them due to her pregnancy but he shakes the thought off. "Can I speak with you, love?" Jessica looks up before groaning and pausing Wizards of Waverly Place, making her three companions complain.

"Hey, we were about to see if Alex fixes Mason from the conch spell," Vivianne complains but Jessica simply ignores her and leads me out of the kitchen.

"What?" She demands and I take a breath.

"I'm sorry. I know that you didn't want them to know about Kol but I realized that you can compel them, right? And even if you can't, we'll drain them and compel them ourselves. I give you my word," he vows and she rolls her eyes.

"You know, you tend to break your word when you give it," she states pointedly before sighing. "I already decided to compel them because obviously Kol being alive would change their game plan and it's easier to save three originals than four."

He grins. "Does this mean you forgive me?"

She frowns. "No. I'm very angry. Irrationally angry actually, but angry nonetheless." He smirks before kissing her deeply.

"What about now?" She humm her yes and he kisses her again, allowing his hand to trail down the space between them. "Now?" She nods her head, doing everything in her power to prevent a reaction, a difficult feat due to her hormones. His hand makes it's way to her bare thigh where he begins to slide his hand up.

"How about now?" He whispers in a husky voice and that's what does it. She crashes her lips to his, making him release a growl, forgetting that everyone in the courtyard can hear him, he picks her up and slams her against the wall, making sure that she nor, the babies are hurt, before he begins devouring her mouth as her hands make their way between them.

In the courtyard, everyone sits there awkwardly, trying to not listen to the obvious sex that's going on. Except for Damon, who is eating as he is used to this due to his and Klaus's shared relationship with Jessica. Lucien watches Aurora flinch as they hear a loud moan from Jessica, eliciting a louder groan from Klaus, before speaking. "So how exactly does this relationship work? How can you be so calm?"

Damon shrugs. "Well, it all stems from Klaus's and my desperation to not lose Jessica, at all. We all had a bit of spat because Cami kissed Klaus and Jessica didn't want a relationship so I convinced her into a friends with benefits arrangement but then Meredith and her stupid friends got stuck in that stupid school, running from stupid Peter, and Jessica asked Klaus to save someone he didn't particularly like and he did so Jessica extended the same olive branch.

"It didn't go well. Eventually, Klaus and I got to caught up in who would get her rather than actually caring for her and she broke it off. She decided that she needed to choose and did this spell that erased her memories of her love for us. We had to let the emotions and memories come back naturally so we needed a different place to stay. Klaus and I became pretty good friends, especially after she decided that we were both bad choices."

"So how did you end up together?" Freya wonders, not having got the story.

"After a lot of bugging Jessica, and a visit from the ghost of her dead father, they convinced her that they could both date her and she wouldn't have to choose. Jessica decided it was a good decision," Caroline answers, walking into the courtyard with Stefan.

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