Chapter 19- Kidnapped in Transition

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A/N: So I know that in the show, Vincent channeled the white oak bullet but since Jessica is the only one with access to the white oak and the one they have is fake, we're just gonna pretends it's a placebo effect and instead of needing a white oak bullet, they just need a regular oak bullet. Okay? Okay. ~J😘😍

Jessica's P.O.V.

I wake up to find myself propped up against a tree in the middle of the woods and just from the energy coming from the ground, I recognize this as the spot that the white oak tree used to be, the spot where Esther created the mixture that would allow her children to become vampires. "What am I doing in Mystic Falls," I wonder aloud and am shocked at the voice that answers.

"Ah, you're awake love. Fantastic. Vincent here is about to make us a mixture that will make us better than even an original," Lucien claims and I scoff.

"I am better than an original."

"Yes but that was before you were in transition I'm afraid. For now, you need to feed. Luckily for you, the lovely Freya here is more than willing to help with your endeavors."

"No," I state firmly. "I refuse to transition, not with her blood. A transitioning vampire might not stop and I refuse to play with her life. I can feed from a blood bag."

"See, I can't let you do that as I haven't got any blood bags with me and can't leave you three unsupervised so I'll give you a hand," he offers before speeding to Freya and ripping into her throat.

"NO!" I scream and Lucien stops and dumps her bleeding body in front of me. 

"If you feed and manage to not kill her, you can feed her your blood to save her. For now, I'll leave you two over here and go check with Vincent over there." He walks a good distance away, now out of earshot and I look at Freya.

"He's right," she whispers. "You need to feed. I trust you."

"Yeah well I don't. You can try my blood. It had healing properties before, it might still hold them." I offer out my wrist but she denies as we both go quite and I focus on Vincent and Lucien, wondering why he brought me with him.


A few hours later, I had used my hospital gown to staunch the bleeding on Freya's neck as I begin to feel my energy draining. I remember the last time I was in transition, the memories I relived, and I can't help but wonder why this time isn't like that one when Lucien makes his way over with a vial of a mixture which he tries to hand to me, only to realize I haven't fed. "You didn't feed."

"I told you I wouldn't."

"You have to. Your transition has to be complete before you take this," he reveals and I scoff.

"I'm not taking anything. Why am I here?"

"So we can be together, my love."

"Are you insane? I already have two boyfriends and trust me, that's enough for me. I thought you were pining for Aurora anyway."

"You made me realize that I didn't need her. I needed to find someone else to love, someone who could love me back. Someone like you."

"Lucien, I already love two people, I can't love you," I attempt to explain but he shakes his head, leaving the vile with me. 

"Once you take that and realize that I am the only one who can truly love you, then we can be together." He starts to walk away when he hears something. He speeds to us and grabs Freya. I take my chance and get up to run. When I make it out of the woods, the sun hits me hard and I shake it off, making my way to the Salvatore boarding house. I make my way to the cellar and open the freezer. I wonder briefly if it is worth it, if I should go through with it, before I remember my twins that I haven't had the chance to meet and the choice is gone. Magic or no magic, they need a mother.

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