Chapter 32- Queen Jessica

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Damon and Klaus didn't realize just how hard it would be to get their Jessica back. Getting her to let go of her parents was going to be hard but it wasn't just Grayson and Miranda that were in her life here. In this version of reality, Isabelle wanted to be in her daughters' lives and there was no prophecy. "They gave us all the lives we wanted," Damon finally speaks from his spot on the couch in the Salvatore Boarding house. They had gone to see Sheriff Forbes and Damon had produced the birth certificate he had made using the same materials Jessica had when she made him one in their reality.

"Except we didn't want her to ourselves," Klaus points out but Damon shakes his head.

"No, I did. I still do. I want everything that I could've had if I was smart enough not to screw it up but it wasn't worth what I lost to have what I wanted. I lost my best friend and that surety that Jessica was the happiest she could be because even when I couldn't remember you or our reality, I still had the worry that I wasn't enough because deep down I know that she loves you too. Why do you think it didn't put us in the same place in time that our old reality was in?"

"Because these realities don't work," Klaus answers, catching on to what his friend is saying. "It's like the apocalypse world in Supernatural. Stopping the apocalypse was what allowed their world to keep going, you remove the Winchesters and things change. Meredith wasn't in either of our worlds because the prophecy was still set to happen but in this world, you died in the war so you never became a vampire."

"Which means that Katherine never became a vampire so either you already broke your curse..."

"Or I'm dead as well." Damon nods. "Vampires exist because the council still knows about them so all of my siblings must not be dead but I am and the prophecy ceases to exist."

"So it must have something to do with us, right? Maybe we are the ones that trigger it. This would be a lot easier if we actually knew what this stupid prophecy is!" He shouts, throwing his glass against the wall in his anger.

"Maybe if we get Jessica back, she can tell us but drinking and throwing glasses against the wall isn't going to help."

"Oh, but compelling yourself the math teacher position will?"

"It gets me close to her so I can win her over. We need her to remember us and her love to come back so her memories come back and we can escape this terrible reality where both of us are dead." Damon pouts but agrees. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow." They agree before going to bed and hoping that they can convince Jessica soon.


The next morning, Jessica Gilbert wakes up next to Caroline and the two dress in their cheerleading uniforms as they get ready for the day. "Today is going to be great, remember that Caroline. You and I are the hottest girls in school, don't forget that," she tells her blonde friend who grins as they head downstairs.

"Hey sweetheart, do you want me to give you two a ride? You both look absolutely darling. I just know that you two are going to become the cheerleading captains."

"Thanks, mom. That'd be great and I've been trying to tell Caroline that she'll do great since yesterday."

"I'm sorry that you girls didn't get to practice outside due to the rain."

"Yeah speaking of rain, why'd you go out in it yesterday, Jess?" Caroline wonders.

"Some guy came to the door and said he was having trouble with his car but get this, he had a friend in his car and guess his name?"

"Was it Matthew Gray Gubler?" Caroline gasps and Jessica frowns.

"No. I asked that though."

"So who was, sweetie?" Miranda asks.

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