Chapter 17- Premature

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Greece. March, 2019

Jessica Gilbert sat in the main room of the hotel suite staring at Klaus as he reads in complete and utter boredom. He refused to let her go out alone, even just to the beach. He had also stopped the magic lessons. The more they worked on the lessons, the more powerful Jessica got. Greta and Klaus figured this out early. 

They also figured out that her magic is greatly entwined with her emotions as was evident when Klaus made her angry and he first felt a powerful aneurysm, more powerful than he had ever felt, then came the blood from the nose, the eyes, the ear, and finally the mouth before he began bleeding from his pores which was when Greta finally knocked Jessica out. 

After that, it became apparent that Jessica could kill an original, without muttering a word and certainly without white oak. Klaus had declared that until Jessica learned to control her anger, she would not be allowed to continue her studies of magic until she told him the problem. She didn't want to, however, because Klaus was the first person who seemed to genuinely care about her that wasn't family or Caroline, who may as well be, and she didn't want him to think she was a freak. 

Eventually, the original got tired of the holes she was burning into the side of his head and spun on her. "Something to say, love?"

"I'm bored. Can't we do something besides sit here?"

He grins. "Tell me what happened the other day and then we can."

She groans before an idea pops into her head. "Take me for a walk and I'll talk," she states, never saying what she would talk about. Klaus seems to debate the idea for a moment before sighing and agreeing. Before she knows it, she walking down the streets of Athens with the dirty blonde at her side. "What do you want to know?"

"How are you so powerful?"

"I don't know. You said that my magic is ruled by my emotions but ever since I triggered my curse, my emotions have been a bit haywire. In case you haven't noticed from my many mood swings," she jokes and he nods, realizing that he was stupid to stop training her and that they should work on control of her emotions first. He feels a bit angry at himself for not coming to the conclusion on his own. He goes to apologize when something else leaves his mouth instead.

"Who told you about vampires?" She looks to him in surprise, not having expected that question before shrugging. 

"My parents." Now it's his turn to be surprised.

"How did they know?"

"It was like this big secret in Mystic Falls. I didn't know the real story until I met Damon," she begins and Klaus can't help but feel his stomach twist at the new brightness in her smile and the enchantment in her eyes at the mention of his name. "When Katherine arrived with her bestie Pearl, they wanted to distract the town from them as they fed on people so they turned more, ones that couldn't walk in the sun. It kept them safe from the townspeople and since they got there first, they had already been invited into the houses and didn't need to worry."

"Let me guess, the people of Mystic Falls decided it was their duty to rid their town of vampires."

"Pretty much except it wasn't everybody, just the supposed Founders, you know the ones that arrived, burned the witches, and claimed they found the territory."

"Really? And who would those be?"

"The Salvatores, like Damon. The Fells, they're all pretentious asshats, trust me. Then you've got the Lockwoods, they're werewolves but most of them have no clue because in a town where different gets you killed..."

Trial and Error (The Fun Gilbert Book 6)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon