17. I was wrong

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Trigger warning rape.


"Where were you?" I was asked the moment I stepped in the door. "A-at work" I said in a soft tone.

"Y/N you don't work till 11pm, and I can smell a girls perfume on you" Angelina said very calm. It was scaring me.

"Please not now" I said softly walking past her to the kitchen.

"Yes Y/N now, where the hell have you been" She said getting angry now. She stood at the bar her arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently. "At wo—". "No don't say at work, just don't why tell me the truth"

"I-i can't" I said tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm leaving" she stated walking upstairs and grabbing her stuff. I just stood there staring at the place she just stood. I couldn't do anything I couldn't say anything. The moment I heard the front door open and close again I broke down. Everything that happened. You should know I didn't lie to angelina that I was at work. I worked till 6pm longer than usual because my boss asked me. Then she gave me some water when I was working turns out it was spiked. I woke up on the ground on her office when I tried to move I felt my hands and feet were strained. Then she came in and raped me. I couldn't tell Angelina I can't even comprehend that happened. There was nothing I could do.

2 months later.

Angelina POV:

Y/N and me broke up 2 months ago. I got the apartment and Y/N moved out. It was the decent thing she could do since she was the one who cheated. I don't know why she would do it but she couldn't even come clear to me. I am slowly trying to get back on my feet but it's hard Y/N was my everything I loved her so freaking much It just hurts not being with her. I was sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting someone, was I?

I opened the door and came face to face with a police officer. "Hello madam is Y/N Y/L/N here?" She asked me. "No she is not" what does he need with Y/N.

"Is there anywhere you know I can find her? Her address says it's here" I looked at her confused.

"Yes she used to live here, may I ask why you need here?" I asked. I didn't know either where Y/N we never talked about where she would go.

"I'm sorry ma'm that is confident information" I thought she was going answer that. We stood there in my doorway. I was deep in my thought when she let out a soft cough to get my attention.

"Yes I'm sorry" I spoke looking at her again. She looked at me closely. "Is there anyway you can get a hold of her. I really need to speak to her".

"Yes I have her phone number I can try calling her. But what do I need to say?" Maybe if she came here I would find out what was happening.

"You can tell her it's about her case and officer Hansen, that's me, needs to talk to her" she said

I grabbed my phone when I let the officer in and called Y/N.  After a few rings she finally picked up.

"Angie?" I heard her ask over the phone she sounded so broken, it broke my hearth.

"Hey um Y/N there is a police officer here, her name is officer Hansen. She says she needs to talk to you about your case". I heard her soft breathing over the phone which was oddly soothing.

"W-why is she there?" she asked barely above a whisper.

"Your address is still on here so she came here" She didn't say anything back the only thing I heard was her breathing which became quicker.

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