the figure III

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I feel like I'm bombarding you with updates at the moment, hope you don't mind 

Warning: Smut (What a surprise huh ;))

Angelina and I have been sleeping together for weeks, but this was the first night she had slept over. The sound of thunder woke us up early. Instead of heading straight back to her room, she started cuddling me. It felt so right to have her next to me, but my mind was stuck on my sculpture. For a moment paranoia crept back in. Could she have destroyed it?

"What's troubling you?" She asked softly, pulling me even closer.

"Did you hear that thunder?" A slight hum and her face nestled in my chest.

"I was a bit preoccupied." She laughed, slightly shifting on the bed.

"Should we be scared?"

"Just for a storm, we normally have one every summer. A big school of the Atlantic. The whole school will be up soon, uhh how do you say, battening down the hedges." She smiled up at me sleepily. Tracing her fingers down my side. All my suspicion vanished. She squeezed me tighter in her arms. And my heart squeezed to. I suddenly felt the urge to tell her how I felt. That this was something real to me, something more.

"Your bed is really comfortable." She said sleepily.

"It's nice with you here" I whispered to her. "You know what—"

*Knock knock*

"Shit." She said quietly, pulling the blankets more over us.

"Meeting in the hallway in five minutes to discuss the storm" I heard a muffled voice say through the door.

"Get under the covers, hide" I said pulling the cover over us.

"What are we going to do" I whispered to her.

"I can't go out there now, and if you leave someone might see me. let's just stay in here together until the coast is clear and no one will notice we are missing. Don't worry." Angelina smoothed the hair of my forehead before kissing it. A slight hum left us both.

"Wear something warm today. It sounds like it's going to be a bad one." She said softly to me, holding my face in her warm hands.

I was bringing a box of candles down from the storage closet when the lights went out. "Shit" I whispered to myself. It was only mid-afternoon, but the storm blocked out any light. Plunging the whole hallway in darkness.

"There you are." Someone said behind, scaring me to death.

"Jesus" I said holding my hand over my heart. Elijah standing in front of me. "You scared the shit out of me" I said slightly chuckling.

"We missed you. At the meeting this morning"

"I slept in. I had a bad night." He hummed, probably not believing me.

"It's impressive that you were able to sleep through all that noise." I almost sounded like an accusation. "The storm, and all that knocking."

"Yeah well, heavy sleeper."

"I didn't see Angelina this morning either, actually you two were the only ones who weren't there. Isn't that funny"

"Wow, crazy." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"I mean it makes sense. Since you two are you know." He said with a mocking laugh.

"I have to go" I said quickly. He stepped into my path blocking it. My candle caught shadows on his cruel face.

"You're fucking our teacher and you're not even subtle about it"

"Bullshit, you are starting rumors." A chuckle escaped his mouth.

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