33. Until we meet again

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A/N: Request by @prayawaythegau008 , hope it's what you meant. 

The pain is nothing to the joy of meeting again -Charles Dickens.

It was a quote I lived by. Long distance is hard, it's never going to stop being hard, but the moment you are in each other's arms again it's all worth it. You get to feel their hands wrap around your body again. The way they smell. The way they look. Everything about it is intoxicating. The whole scene, from the moment you are on your way to meet them again, to the moment you hold each other you're on the edge of your seat. The sweating palms, the nervous ticks, the fast beating hard, it's all part of it, the buildup to the moment you're on your way. It's doesn't matter how many times you went through it, every time the joy of meeting is captivating. It's true what people say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. All this cliché quotes, but they're so through when you lived them.

With both of our crazy schedules it wasn't easy to get a moment together, even to call on the phone. We always made sure to make a time on the day to talk to each other. When Angelina wasn't working on a movie, she would come visit me and when I had a break I would come visit here. We both tried to put our work aside, but that didn't work out. We both loved it too much.

"Hi angel." I said once facetime connected, and I could see the beautiful face over the screen. Her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. Her smile got even bigger.

"Hi" She waved.

"You look stunning." I said gazing to the phone. A blush spread to her cheeks. Even after all these years, and still she got flustered. We both talked for a little while, talking about our day, before calling it a night.

"One month beautiful, and then I'm with you." I said happily. One month and we would have 3 weeks both off work.

"One month." She whispered. Her eyes where already drooping close, with a soft smile on her face. "I love you." She whispered before she fell asleep. I watched for a bit, looking at her sleepy state. Her eyebrows furrowed in her sleep.

"Goodnight, I love you." I said softly, trying not to wake her up and hung up, getting ready for bed myself.


"Hi!!" Angelina giggled when facetime connected again. It was the middle of the day, we both had a little break of work and decided now was a good time to talk. Angelina had a cast diner tonight, so she would be home late, and I needed to get up early in the morning.

"Hi angel!" I said excited. "Like the horns." I smirked, her maleficent costume still on. Again, we talked for a bit, until Angelina got interrupted.

"Angelinaaa." She sing-songed. "Are your ready." I saw Angelina smirk when she saw Elle.

"Oh, you're going down." She laughed. I looked confused at her. Elle walked closer and came in screen. I saw her standing there with two ping-pong boards. I laughed at them. I knew how competitive they both where.

"Hey Y/N!" Elle waved, grabbing the phone from Angelina. "So, I'm totally going to beat her right?" Elle asked me. I saw Angelina looked offended at her, trying to grab her phone back.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that Elle." I laughed. Elle faked shocking.

"Thanks for the support." Elle rolled her eyes, laughingly.

"Give me my girlfriend back." Angelina said catching up with Elle. She snatched the phone out her hands. "Do you want to watch me kick Elle's but." Angelina laughed, smirking teasingly at Elle.

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