25. Investigation

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Angelina POV
"Hello, am I speaking to Y/N Y/LN" I said over the phone.
"Yes this is she" I heard the lady voice say.
"Can we set up a meeting?" I asked, hoping we could as soon as possible
"Just say the time and place and I'm there, I just need to know what kind of thing it is about."
"Can you do tomorrow 7PM, at the little bistro restaurant, and it's about a cheating husband" I heard her sigh over the phone before she confirmed.

Now I just need someone to babysit my children and then we're done, Brad will probably be 'working'. I mean how stupid does he think I am, it's twelve o'clock right now and he still at 'work'. I know what he does, I know his co-stars and they aren't working anymore. I took in a deep breath and took another sip from my wine. Still waiting for brad to be home. I don't know why I even bother anymore, the only reason I was still with him is because of the kids. That's why I wanted proof, to get custody over the kids and then leave his cheating ass, and that is where Y/N comes in to the picture to get me the proof I need. At first it hurt but I got over it, he was the love of my life, but it was over, it had been over since the twins were born. The thing that hurt that he didn't even care to cover it. Not even a little bit. Or he was just really, really stupid.
"Mama" I heard a voice say from on top off the stairs. I walked upstairs and was met with my baby girl, rubbing her eyes with her tiny little fist.
"Hey baby what are you doing up?" I whispered to not wake up the other kids. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around me immediately.
"I had a bad dream" she said, her head laying on my shoulder.
"Do you want me to put you back to bed, I'll read you a little story and stay with you for a while, okay?"
"Yes mommy" her tired little eyes lit up a little bit, poor girl was so tired. I knew I wouldn't take long before she was in dream land again. I stroked her hair and walked back to her bedroom.

Just as I thought when I was at the third page of the book she was asleep again. I walked downstairs, took the last sip of my wine and cleaned everything up. There was no use in waiting up. He was going to come home smelling like another girl and probably drunk. I walked upstairs and changed in to my night gown, ready for my meeting tomorrow with Y/N.

I woke up with a loud thuds coming from downstairs, brad, he was probably drunk. I really didn't want to go out of bed but I didn't want him waking up the kids. I walked out the bedroom and saw brad laying on the trap, I didn't know if he was asleep or was still trying to get upstairs. I heard another door open and saw Zahara standing there.
"Go back to sleep, baby" I said softly.
"Is that dad?" She asked looking over to the stairs, seeing her dad laying there. I was embarrassed, that she saw her dad like that. No kid should she her dad like that.
"Yes, but it's okay go to sleep, you have school tomorrow"
"Mom I am home schooled" She said giggling.
"I know but you still need you sleep, don't get smart with me now" I said pretending to be strict, but I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my face. These kids where the reason of my happiness.
"Goodnight mom" She said and kissed my cheek, she walked back to bed closing her door. I took a deep breath before making my way towards brad. I picked him up with a struggle and walked with him towards the spare bedroom and put him on the bed there. He was passed out so I just walked back to the bedroom and fell asleep there. Hoping to get a divorce as soon as possible. I was tired off doing this every night.

Time skip next day evening
I was getting ready for my appointment with Y/N. I was wearing a black dress, I didn't want to look to chique. The babysitter would be here in 5 minutes, brad was gone since this afternoon, and the kids where still playing and would eat with the babysitter, food was already cooked. I checked if I had everything and walked downstairs. The bell rung and in came the babysitter.
"Okay guys I'm going, see you tonight" I got faint byes back from the oldest ones but Vivienne and Knox ran towards me and gave me a hug.
"Bye momma" they both said and kissed my cheek.
"Bye sweeties, be good to the sitter" I said and kissed them both. I walked out the door towards my car and drove off towards the bistro.

Angelina jolie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now