22. Boss

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Tw: smut
"Okay guys we are done, now the question is who is going to her office and represent it" Jess spoke looking at everyone in the room. I worked in a office for home design and we just got our project finished so that meant someone needed to show our work to the boss. Also named Angelina. She was nice but she could have her mood swings and seeing what we saw today she was definitly not in a good mood.

Everybody looked down not wanting to do it. "I'll do it" I said softly before all eyes were on me.

"Yes thank god, you're her favorite" Jess said and gave me the bord.

"Really I am?" I said giggling when everybody knodded there head quickly. "Never noticed it" I said before Jess began listing every reason why everybody thought that. "Okay okay I get it"

I walked over to her office and soflty knocked on the door. "Yes" a frustrated voice said.

"I just wanted to let you know we are done and i'm ready to show it, but if it not a good time, I'll do it later." I said softly peaking my head through the door.

"Ohh Y/N, no it's alright come in" her voice got a little lighter. I walked in complettely seeing her sitting at her desk with a lot of papers on it her hair a bit wild she was wearing a white blouse and a black skirt. I always thought she was beautiful but she was still my boss.

I showed her everything we worked on before returning to my desk leaving her to her work. I was working on my project I had alone before I suddenly felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I was startled because I didn't know someone was behind me.

"Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you, I just saw your computer and it already looks really good" I turned my chair around and there was angelina she looked at the computer before looking down at me. "Thank you, I'm just a bit stuck in the bathroom because it is small but they have so many thing they want in there" I said looking back at my computer.

"Here why don't you move this and than you can put that there and then you still have room to walk" she said while leaning down to change everything to what she just said. I felt her breathing in my neck her hand on my shoulder still on my shoulder.

I turned my head to look at her wanting to thank her before I realised how close our faces were

"T-thank you" I said softly looking at her forest green eyes. "your welcome" she said and stood up again I saw her blushing before she quickly walked back to her office. Suddenly Jess came around the corner "I saw that"

"Saw what?" I said

"You and 'the boss' she likes you" she said laughing and looking at me. I felt my cheeks getting red.

"Oh shut up and go back to work" I said throwing a pen at her.

"You should kiss her" she said walking away with the pen in her hand. My cheeks were so red I couldn't even hide it. The thought of kissing my boss kinda turned me on, but that's all it is just a thought.

When the day was over there were still a few people left. Which were Amanda, Angelina and me. Amanda walked over to me, she was always flirting with me and I didn't like her on bit so it was really annoying. Usually Jess saved me but she was already gone. It was Friday so that ment we were going to the bar with the people from work. I think a few were already there but I really wanted to finish this before closing down. Amanda was standing next to me.

"You want to go together to the bar?" She said her hand on my shoulder

"No I got my own car, but thanks" I said declining her offer.

"Mmhh, okay well see you later than" she said soflty and walking away.

I closed down and walked to the elevator when somoene came from behind. I turned around thinking it was amanda but suddenly I saw Angelina standing there with a sweet smile on her lips.

Angelina jolie imaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt