The figure IV

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Warning: Smut 

Angelina POV:

"Stay with me tonight, please." She looked perfect in that moment. Strong hands grabbing my wrist, her cheeks flushed. I had to get out of there. "Angelina?" She questioned.

"I can't"

I had been avoiding Lev since the night of the storm. I told myself I was doing the right thing. Ending a silly fling and refocusing on my work, but when I laid in bed at night, close to the wall we shared my feelings for her flooded in and it terrified me. in our last class of the summer, I walked around the room, examining each project and when I got to her. I made sure to keep the same distance I had with the other students. To keep it professional. "Is this piece going to be an addition to the sculpture?"

"I'm going to attach it at the very end it will connect like this." I stayed laser focused at her work, but I could feel her gaze shift to me. it burnt a hole in my chest.

"You've shown a lot of progress this summer"

"Thank you." It came out bitterly. She shifted her hair and for a moment I could smell her scent. The desire to press her into the desk and taste her skin was so strong I had to walk away.

"Okay everyone, that's it. Ça y est merci à tous, thank you for an excellent summer. Please leave your statues on the rack to be displayed later." (That's it thank you all). She was the first on out of the doors and she didn't look back. "Merci, thank you" I said to the students walking out. someone cleared their throat next to me, gaining my attention.

"Angelina." He said.

"It's professor Elijah"

"I just wanted to thank you for an excellent summer. Your instruction was enlightening." I hummed softly at his compliment. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. "Here is my card." He said handing his small business card to me.

"I'm glad you found yourself enlightened" I said carefully.

"I think it would be wise for us to stay in touch"

"You didn't clean up your station properly, please proceed to that before you leave." I said changing the conversation and hoping to end it.

"Of course!" He said with enthusiasm. Ever since Lev's sculpture was smashed something had felt strange about Elijah. Whenever I walked by him in class, he would always adjust his notebook, not only had he threatened Lev, there was something off about his work, but I couldn't quite place it.

I was flipping through old art books, trying to decide which ones to take with me off the island. When I stopped. A few pages had been torn out of one. A gasp left my mouth. It was my friends Otto's work, from his early years, we had been in art school together. he still calls me on the first day of term every summer. Otto's early work was brilliant, but so obscure that practically no one would recognize it, no one except for me. I scanned the students' sculptures, until I saw an exact replica of Otto's work. Underneath the name, E night. "Oh mon Dieu" (Oh my god)

The next morning, I rushed down to the dock where the students were taking their final portraits together. when I approached, they seem to have just finished. I saw Lev milling about in the crowd. "Lev" I said a bit out of breath.

"Yes, professor?" She questioned. Her eyebrows raising, her eyes glaring at me.

"Please walk with me."

"I'm-I'm busy, sorry." She said quietly.

"It's about your final project"

"Oh." She said in surprised tone. She followed me under the peer. The only secluded place close by. Her hair blew into her face, but she didn't try to brush it away. Instead, she squinted at me from between her curls. Full lips set, pain swept through my chest.

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