12. Stress

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I was in my apartment working on school, biology to be exact. In still needed to do so much I was in my last semester and I still had so much to do. I still needed to do the last finish touch ups on my presentation and my essay was almost done and needed to do tons of homework and learn for my upcoming test. I was complettely stressed so I made a planning for this day to learn but I knew I had to cancel my date with Angelina tonight to get everything done.


Hey baby, i'm very sorry I have to cancel tonight. Tons of homework. Will talk to you soon xx and I own you a date.

I Immidatiatly got a text back I knew angelina wouldn't be happy with this because I haven't seen her in like weeks, we both had busy schedules people even assumed we broke up.


Aww, okay goodluck baby. Can you grab breakfast tommorow? And please don't work all day you know that is not good.

I smiled down at my phone, she knew me so well. I spent the whole morning working on school when I went downstairs for a quick lunch break I called Angelina but she didn't pick up. That's weird because she had the whole day for free and usually she always picked up. I just shrugged it of that maybe she was sleeping.

Angelina POV:

I was at the shop getting some stuff for tonight, I know Y/N canceled but she didn't need the whole day at home in her room studying. I knew how she could get so I decided to do something romantic for her. I bought some candles, fluffy blankets, her favorite junkfood and ofcourse ben & jerry's, I got her favorite movie and some lights. I went to her house to set everything up. I needed to be quiet as hell and praided to god that she didn't walked downstairs while I was still setting everything up. I grabbed all the food and ordered pizza. I put on the movie and went on my phone waiting for Y/N to come down


I went upstairs after my lunch and didn't leave my room until it was 8pm and I really needed to get something to eat. I was almost done just needed to rehearse my presentation a few more times. When I walked downstairs I saw a fort in front of my tv with lights in it and cozy blankets and pillows. I looked inside and there I saw the beautiful brunette laying comfortably inside.

"Angelina?" I said softly

"Hey baby" she said walking out and giving me a hug before moving slightly back so she was looking me in the eyes.

"You did this?" I said. She knew I was a sucker for romantic gestures. And this was so cute.

"Yes" she said proudly "aandd, there is pizza on the way" she said with a wink.

"O. M. G. I love you I'm graving pizza" I said smiling down at the slightly shorter brunette in my arms gapturing her lips in a soft kiss.

"I also got your favorite movie but that's not all" she pushed me inside the fort and she grabbed something from the freezer "i got you ben & jerry" she said looking proudly at everything she did. My eyes welled up with tears she truly was the best. She leaned down seeing me at the verge of tears.

"Baby what's wrong" she said her hands softly going over my cheeck.

"It's just— I don't know everything" I said letting a tear escape my eyes.

"Come here" she said wrapping her hands around me and pulling me into her. Her hands softly going over my back and my face in her neck.

"I love you ang" I said in her neck. She pressed a soft kiss on the top of my head

"I love you to Y/N" we didn't say anything else and just enjoyed being in each other's embrace. She hold me tight before the doorbell rang which was probably the pizza. She stood up got her wallet and walked to the door.

She walked back with two pizza's in her hand. And sat it down in front of me. She turned the movie on and we opened the box of pizza and ate it while watching the movie. I let my head rest on her shoulder exhausted from this day full of stress. It was hard to keep my eyes open she felt me softly fall asleep but trying to keep awake.

"It's okay go to sleep" she said and placed a kiss on my head before letting my head drop to her lap. Her hands going through my hair. I felt my eyes getting heavier, her hands softly going through my hair made me fall asleep.

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