Track 45. | Crack The Shutters

Start from the beginning

"That's weird" Jesse adds as I nod "I agree" I say looking at Niall who's offended that we all find the story weird.

After a few minutes I decide to call it a night and bring Bowie up to her room, Niall decided to take the sofa with the rest tonight as he's staying up later and he doesn't want to wake Bowie up when he falls in the door of their room drunk out of his mind.

I lay her into bed taking off her socks and undoing the bun in her hair I had to put it in while she got sick when we pulled up to the house a few hours ago.

I pull the duvet up over her as Elton burrows his way under it to cuddle her "look after Mum, she'll need you" i joke as Elton looks up at me happily as Bowie sleeps peacefully next to him.

I smile at them and pat Elton on the head before placing a kiss to Bowie's forehead. I then make my way out of the room slowly closing the door behind me.

I walk next door to my room and flick on the light while shutting the door and locking it behind me. I sigh and remove my boots placing them beside the door as I walk further into the room flopping down on my bed. I stopped drinking after a glass of whiskey when we came back, I don't trust myself to get drunk anymore, I hate the person I become.

I slide my phone out of the pocket of my jeans and furrow my brows as I see ten missed calls from an unknown number. I immediately unlock it and click on the number as it dials in my ear.

I wait a few seconds hearing the beeps as it connects the call. "Hello?" A soft voice says down the phone. I furrow my brows again not recognising it. "Hi, who is this?" I ask sitting up in the bed looking around the room waiting for an answer. "Is this Harry Styles?" She asks dodging my question of who she is. "Depends, who's asking?" I say getting slightly anxious about who's needing to call me this many times at nearly two in the morning.

"It's Sandy, Sandy Anderson" she says and my stomach drops at the last name. My eyes go wide as I try from a coherent sentence to answer with "who? I think you have the wrong number" I say trying to get the call to end incase it's anyone related to Bowie. "I have the right number, you have my daughter, Bowie Anderson" she whispers and my chest tightens while my heart sinks to my ass ready to fall out any second.

"Why are you calling me?" I ask still slightly confused as to how she got my number and why she's calling me so urgently. "I need to warn you about someone that's heading your way Harry" she says and I close my eyes taking a deep breath. "Go on" I say coldly as I begin to listen to her words.

* * *


I roll over in bed and instantly my stomach tunes. I bolt up out of bed and run into the bathroom feeling the burning coming up my throat. I drop to my knees and snap open the toilet lid spilling my guts up.

I shouldn't of mixed vodka tequila and whiskey last night, bad mistake. I groan and lean my cheek on the toilet seat not caring about how many asses have touched it, I feel like I'm about to die if I move a muscle.

My head pounds as I break out in a cold sweat from all my vomiting. I knew drinking so much would be a mistake, I think I blacked out in the car home from meeting Edward.

My stomach turns again and I dip my head into the bowl gripping the seat tightly as I puke again with tears streaming down my face, my stomach feels like it's eating itself while my throat is burning from all the contents of my stomach forcing it's way up.

"Wow, you look rough" someone behind me chuckles as I lean my head back down on the toilet seat. I groan and they come to sit next to me. I open my glassy eyes to see Harry sat next to me. He smiles at me and begins plaiting my hair at the back of my head tying it off with a hair tie.

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