XXI- So This Is Where It Begins

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Your initial talk about family life had lasted for the rest of the previous year. It had been about 4 years since you and Trevor had gotten together and it had been 3 years the both of you were finally clean from any drugs. 

"C'mon Y/n! Can ya go any slower? We got one more drive till all our stuff is moved!'' 

"Trev, I'm stuck in the doorway- please help.'' You called over the boxes you carried and wobbled in the doorway of the trailer. Trevor hopped out of the truck and was quick to help with the baggage. 

"Thank you.'' You smiled sheepishly while pulling your shirt down over your belly bump, "Stupid shirt.'' You muttered while walking alongside Trevor who chuckled lightly. 

"They're growin' fast, huh?" He commented while placing the last of the boxes away and you simply nodded. 

"Definitely. I can't believe you wanted the gender to be a surprise. Out of all the people.'' You replied.

"Boy, girl, neither, trans, whatever they may be I'll still love them.'' 

"Softie and yet, extremely accepting."

"Shut it, sweetheart. Couldn't ever wrap my head around disapproving parents.'' He opened the car door for you and assisted you up to the seat. You buckled in as he hopped to the drivers seat and soon began to drive.

You, Trevor and the soon to be expected baby were moving to the outskirts of Vinewood Hills and of course Trevor decided he would keep the trailer in Sandy Shores along with his business ordeals. 

"I'm actually pretty excited.'' You say with a light smile across your face. 

"Yeah, this'll definitely be something we need. Course, still not too fond of the area. Why couldn't we pick Paleto Bay? Aren't you afraid of the little kid becoming, ya'know. . .fake?''

"Like a hipster?" You questioned slowly. 

"Yes- yeah, sure, hipster.'' Trevor shook his head away from the chills. You smiled a bit with a shrug.

"Well, we'll find out in the future but for now, we'll focus on their surroundings and go from there, okay? I appreciate you going through this with me.'' You held onto his hand and kissed his knuckles.

"Still, I think it's a shitty place. Plastic putrid zombified pricks. You know there's still. . .''

He trailed off, having seen your blank expression say a million words as you sat perfectly quiet.

"-time- . . . jeez tough crowd, eh? Alright alright, Vinewood Hills it is.''

You snickered, seeing the usual frustration warp his face.


The outskirts of Vinewood Hills was perfect. There wasn't too much of the hustle and bustle of the actual town itself. Oddly, it was quiet and Trevor was the first to completely wipe out any thought of peace and quiet. A loud groan escaped the now semi-feral Canadian as he exited the truck. 

"You are soooo lucky I love you.'' Trevor said between his teeth. 

You had replied with a chuckle and shimmied out of the leather seating and set foot on the ground. You took in the sweet fresh air and stared at your new home. Trevor snapped you out of your thoughts and grabbed your hand.

"Well let's get inside, luckily it's furnished already so we can look around or whatever.''

You nodded and followed him inside. The house was spacious and immediately lead into the main living area. There was a set of stairs right ahead that lead to the second floor. There was a decent sized kitchen to the right that was connected with an island and dining room. The floors were glossy, wooden and didn't shift underneath you like the trailer did. 

Trust and Love (Trevor Philips x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now