XX- Settling Down.

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"You're a taken man now, Trevor?"

"Taken as I'll ever be. Now quit changin' the fucking subject and give me the money I asked for."

Trevor shifted in his spot, his glare unyielding. The other male practically shrunk in height compared to the other. He had been just out of Los Santos in a dingy part of town. Now that he remembered, the last time he was here, Y/n made herself into his vehicle. . . but that wasn't the time to think about that.

"I-I don't have it?'' The man squeaked out. Trevor growled.

"Say that again? You don't have it? And why is that?" The ticking timebomb Canadian stepped closer, narrowing the gap between them.

''Speak, NOW!"

"Someone else already took it! Earlier today but-but I wasn't apart of the exchange, man!''

Trevor hadn't given the dealer a chance to redeem himself, pulling back his arm and hitting the other square in the face.

"This was a waste of fucking time. . . ''

Trevor hopped back into his  vehicle and drove off. His fists gripped the steering wheel as tears made his eyes glossy. Muttering incoherent words of assumed curses and statements of self hatred, he parked at a rundown gas station and hid his face in his hands. Angry tears ran down his hollowed cheeks.

"Fuckin' christ, T. . .the hell is wrong with you?'' He whispered to himself, as he felt like he spoke to all versions of his conscious being, a meeting in his head you could even say.

Everything felt wrong. Was this a mid life crisis? Was the life he strived to have ever since he was a kid finally break down? He didn't want that but. . . he did?

Trevor snapped his head up from his palms, seeing Y/n's number flash on the screen.

"Hello?'' Trevor spoke, clearing his throat.

"Hey! I was wondering when you were coming home? I just got back from the store and am about to start dinner." Y/n's voice rang through the mans ears. He smiled a bit.

"Err, uh, yeah. Today was a fucking bust so I'll be home in a half an hour. Thanks, sugar.'' He wiped away his tears with his free hand, feeling the calmness begin to sooth his chest. It had been a few months since the shootout and Y/n had thankfully healed well.

Trevor started and pulled out back into the road, driving back to Sandy Shores while on the call. His focus was on the winding roads ahead.

"Of course!. . . You want to talk about it? I'm sorry it didn't go as planned."

"Just some shitty exchanger who didn't have the money." Trevor sighed in exasperation with a sniff,"Made a beginners mistake-"

"I'm guessing you punched the man and left?''

Trevor smiled widely, ''Am I that predictable?''

"To me? Not all the time, just took a random guess.'' Y/n chuckled, ''I'll let you go, alright? I gotta finish dinner. Stay safe, I love you.''

"I'll try.'' Trevor paused for a moment and turned a corner, ''I love you too sweetness.''

Your POV

You set your phone aside after the call was ended and prepared dinner. It wasn't anything too fancy but after being wounded for those long months, it made you pick up neat hobbies along the way. One of them was cooking. There were other hobbies like making mosaics out of broken glass or painting but cooking seemed to keep your hands the most busy. You grew to be more domestic and although it was a strange thought of you being such a way around someone who definitely didn't fit a position, it was more of a home than you ever had.

A family seemed like a cute idea too. . .

"Mm, what'cha cookin' good lookin?'' Trevor wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.

"Just some pizza, well, hopefully anyways.'' You smiled warmly and flipped yourself around to hug him, ''Nothing too fancy.''

"Just the way I like things.''

There was a sudden silence growing between you. Wrapped around one another as if the rest of the world hadn't mattered. Slowly letting him go, he simply looked down at you. His expression was unreadable but not in the usual way where he'd be filled with a strong emotion like anger, sadness or even both. But it seemed like what settling down looked like.


"Yeah sweetheart?''

"Do you ever just. . .well, I don't know- feel like we settled?''

A flash of realization flashed over Trevor's face, "Settled, eh?" He paused. He thought his initial reaction would be to laugh and say

Settled? This man can't slow down! Never in a million years! I live for the adrenaline! The rush!

But it wasn't like that at all. Not this time.

"Yeah, I think so. What. . .do you want to do? Move somewhere else? Go on a cruise? Maybe a flight around-''

"Have a family?'' The words slipped out of your mouth. Both of your reactions mirrored each other. Trevor blinked, processing such a suggestion.

"A family, huh?"

You nodded, feeling your cheeks burn and your body fill with uneasiness, ''I-It's just a suggestion and doesn't have to be now-! It's not like we can plan that right after the whole me almost dying and getting shot but-''

"It sounds perfect, Y/n. Besides, you'd look hot as ever carrying our child around.''

You snorted and flicked his forehead, earning a chuckle from him, ''Just when I thought we were having a nice moment too. But. . .thanks, I guess.''

The oven beeped and you turned to get dinner prepared, carefully pulling the pizza out.

"Now go sit you horny and lovable bastard."

"You don't gotta tell me twice, honey." Trevor smiled warmly.


hello my fellow readers <3 I'm really glad to see such a big support flood in with this book and it makes me so so happy that you all enjoy it! I made myself squeal while writing this lmao- Also its #1 in the gta tag (as I am writing this) and that's absolutely bonkers to me?? You all are great! Anyways, I'll stop my rambling and I'll see you in the next chapter <3

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