III: Opening and Company

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It wasn't very long till they reached the safe house. Well, more of a 'safe trailer'

"Sandy Shores, huh? Away from the hustle and bustle of people." Y/n commented, following Trevor inside the messy and smelly abode.

"Correct-a-mundo, sweetheart. Though, me being a busy man myself I don't have all the leisure I'd wish to. Ya know, settle down and all that bull." He sauntered over to the fridge while Y/n found herself to scan around the newly place. Cockroaches infested the flooring, gasoline and smoke in the air, pictures of nearly naked women crudely taped on the wall, it surely was his home alright.

Trevor popped open a beer effortlessly and swigged its contents down,"That and the whole drug ordeals." He nonchalantly added.

"Settling down, you mean as in?"

"Marriage, yeah. My friend, Michael, a dick, by the way, said I wasn't really the marrying type but ooh his is already down the drain." He snorted and chugged the rest of the alcohol down,"Hypocritical fatass..." Trevor mumbled.

Your POV

I was quick to be accustomed to his way of explaining things. His messy exterior had seemed to be just a shield of sorts, protecting the trouble and trauma that manifested itself inside his head. I could see it, in the way he would talk about this 'Michael' guy and how his eyes seemed to stare into the void between his feet.

"I'm sure you'll figure all that in due time." I replied sitting on the counter as it was remotely clean enough.

"Time? Time is running out. I'm getting old! I mean, suuure it doesn't stop me from getting scores and doin' the works but fuck man if I had to admit somethin'?" He paused.

I wondered why he was opening up to me so quickly but I found myself to listen in.

"I'd treat 'er right. Maybe I'm not the most outstanding and marvelous Prince Charming but ... damn!" He stopped himself and groaned,"Enough of this sappy bullshit. You're stayin' with me, sugartits. Got it?"

I nodded, knowing I didn't really have a place to go,"Yeah, right ..."

Trevor has looked like he was going to say something but was interrupted by a harsh knock and the opening of the door.

A man just a tad bit taller than Trevor came into my view; slicked back hair and piercing blue eyes. He even was sharply dressed. The man must be well with money.

"Trev-!" He noticed me and sighed in exasperation,"The fuck did you do!? Steal anothe-"

"Nonononoooo" he put his hands up and went over to me, gesturing,"This beauty is Y/n. Y/n this is Michael."

He smiled,"Y/n. Pleasure to meet you."

"You too, Michael." I blushed. I felt slightly embarrassed as I wasn't good with new people.

"Alright alright enough with the cutesy smiles and shitty introductions, Mikey, what is it you wanna tell me, busting into my trailer like that?"

I had seen Trevor tense up at the brief conversation between him and I. Maybe he was jealous? Protective? He stood close to me and in between the two of us.

"Well?" He pushes on, leaving Michael to shift in his place.

"Look man, I just wanted to say ... you just want to talk outside?"

- - - - -

It was late and the two men remained outside. They talked for awhile but I had figured they left to converse some more at a nearby bar. I stepped outside, sitting on the concrete steps, listening in at the distant traffic going by. Looking up at the stars I sighed, wondering if this would be the same as with other people I stayed with.

"Maybe I should just leave." I mumbled standing up and passing the fences before going down the many twisty dust roads.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

I froze, hearing the rumble of engines get closer to me and halt.


"Uh, yes?" I replied, feeling a bit frightened by the men that swarmed me.

"You're comin' with us." The crew laughed and before I could protest I was thrown in a sack that smelled of raw meat and alcohol. I squirmed but the fabrics hadn't given in and before I knew it I was surrounded in blackness, feeling a sharp pain hit me in the back of the head.

Trevor's POV.

I had no concept of time as I slowly returned back to the trailer. I opened the door to find it empty.

"Y/n? Y/n!? FUCK! FUCK!" I ran back out and to the car, seeing a few bikers drive off and the anger in me flooded my stomach.

"You pieces of fucking shit!" I yelled, starting it up and driving after them,"You can't just fuck off, can't ya!?" I reached in my glove box and pulled out a pistol and kept in near as I continued to drive and follow the fuckers down the highway.

——— quick timeskip cause action ———

I was swift to grab my weapon and scout out the area. It was at the O'Neil brothers farm and I kept my distance, knowing there were people guarding the area. But my patience grew less and less.

"Fuck this!" I growled.

I made my way down, gritting my teeth and busting down the door,"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!?" I held up the pistol and pointed at the people inside. They panicked, unable to act.


"She-She's in the barn-!"

"AHHG!" I shot at them, killing them before leaving and quickly heading to the barn. Once I did, I saw a few bikers surround a figure that was most likely Y/n in a sack.

"You stupid motherfuckers can't keep your hands on your own shit, can you!?" I hollered, gaining their attention. They pointed their weapons at me and I stepped closer.

"Give me one goddamn reason I should let you fucking walk." I shot at one of their feet, making them fall.

"Seems like you can't do that shit! Not surprised!" I added before hearing a shot being made and I took cover. I grind my teeth, I HATE bikers! I HATE this PLACE!

"FUCK. YOU!" I was quick and made the shots at the men who took Y/n and with a bit of struggle I got them down.

I went over to Y/n and ripped the bag off of her, revealing her knocked out and bleeding from the head.

"Shit shit shit!!" I picked her up bridal style before making my way out of the area and in my vehicle, I drove.

"Stupid piece of shit you are! How dare you leave!? Maybe I should've just left you on the streets! After all I did! Invited and LET YOU stay! GOD you better have a good explanation!" I snarled. I knew she couldn't hear me.

"I don't want you to leave. Not just when you got here. I don't want you to be like everyone else. Like Michael or ... anyone else that's met me. So fuck you! Fuck you for thinking you'd just leave! You can't." I sighed, keeping on the road, going to Michael's.

"You can't Y/n. Please."

Ooo it's me Scout, Hi! I hope you all like the book so far! My interp. of Trevor might not be the absolute best but you know- he's a fruitcake Alright- 👀 what do you all think of it? Anything you wanna see? Anyways, I'll be off! See you in the next chapter!

Trust and Love (Trevor Philips x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora