XVI- Reunion

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It didn't take long for Lester to do what he was good at. Franklin was notified (and very confused nonetheless) about the issue and was quick to his friend's aid. 

''Aye man, so you're tellin' me Trevor's got a girl now?'' Spoke Franklin to Michael who was driving down the city streets.


''And we gotta go find these back alley bitches who's boss and get her back to Trevor, then?''


''How thee fuck did I miss that much?'' Franklin sighed, trying to wrap his head around the situation the best he could, leaving Michael to chuckle lightly at his statement. 

''Believe me, man, I've already knew all about this, even before it became a shitstorm and I'm still processing it.'' Michael paused, focusing on the road and mentally mapping out where he was to pick up Lester.

 ''I booked Trevor a flight back here a few hours ago. Luckily the flight isn't that long and he should be here in an hour or so. We're picking up Lester, meeting at the Pier and taking it from there once Trev arrives.''

''Aight man, sounds good.''


Michael, Franklin and Lester had resided at the pier, talking of the endless possibilities and routes they could take on the venture to rescue Y/n. 

The talking halted, seeing a disheveled and strangely calm Trevor stumble over to the trio. 

''My main homies.'' He began, opening up his arms for a welcoming hug but no one took him on the offer for it so he just grumbled and dropped his arms to his sides.

''Have we got a plan then?'' He asked in his usual gruff tone. 

''I have their location. They're over in Little Seoul which, luckily for us, isn't too far from here.''

''Well let's get the fuck goin'!'' Trevor said impatiently as he was about to turn on his heel and head over. 

''Not so fast.'' Lester said and Michael tossed his cigarette in the ocean.

''They got guards all around that area. They're hidden in the alleyways and docking station over there. We gotta be cautious, T.'' 

Trevor was going to protest about being cautious but Y/n's life was at stake and he would never put her in more danger than he already has. Damnit !

''Well what do we do?'' He crossed his arms, trying to internalize his impatient nature, ''I ain't gonna be sitting out here, chatting all fucking day.''

The three understood his angered state, Michael wouldn't know what he would do if his family was in a situation like this. He put them through enough hell. Let's just hope this good deed outweighs the bad in the past. 

''We create a distraction at these points,'' Lester began, sending the coordinates to each of them,''This will block off their exit ways. Trevor, since they want you, you're going in as our main... attraction of sorts. Michael will be up above near the exit points and shoot down any of those who try to run. Franklin is on standby and will slash, cut, whatever it may be of any other possible get away vehicles. Now c'mon, let's get this over with.'' Lester pulled himself up from the bench and followed alongside Franklin and Michael. 

Trevor was already ahead of the trio, hopping into his red Bohdi and starting it up,''I'm coming sweetheart, don't you worry. . .they'll fucking pay the price for doing what they did.''


Your POV

 It was wave after wave of excruciating pain that nearly sent me to hysterics. Many people had spoken to me but none of them I could fully focus on. Their faces. Their voices. None of them were Trevor's and I felt like I was going to surely die soon. 

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