XVII- Reminiscing

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The major full out war wasn't finished with Trevor. Oh, no. It just got started. 

A furious Michael yelled in the background  but he had ignored it. His anger clouded his mind so much that his body was filled with buzzing bees. His head rang with such ferocity his teeth grit and grinded together. 

''Trevor! Fuckin' answer me would ya?!''

''I ain't doing shit! You did it again!'' He swung his body around, his weight being full on his fist, making contact with Michael's face. It knocked the middle aged man down, leaving Franklin to come to Michael's aid.

''Yo what the fuck bro-?!''

''Don't you fucking call me that.'' Trevor interrupted Franklin,'' You're just as bad as he is. Following such a fake turd!''

''We helped you and this is the thanks we get?!'' Michael slowly stood up to his feet. Trevor glared him down like worthless meat.

''This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for you! I can't believe I let my guard down! AGH!'' Trevor gripped his head and knelt down, the pain in his temples increasing. This made him see double. 

''I didn't know those fuckers, T! I was trying to help!''

''Ohhoho, you've helped quite enough, buddy.'' Trevor said, looking as if he was going to make another hit at the other male. 

''Is this what you wanted, huh?! You just didn't want to see me happy.''

''What the fuck is that supposed to mean?'' Michael asked Trevor cautiously but kept his stance despite the pain and blood coming out of his nose. It was broken for sure. 

''You saw something you never had in your marriage. You saw me not so miserable and in some cases, rose above you where you couldn't reach! So you thought that just maybe if you took Y/n away, I'd be below you-- like I always had been. But not this time. Never again.''

''Trevor, even you know that's bullshit.''

''It isn't bullshit to me, Michael! Y/n is hurt now and I'm going to do something about it because I love her .. and damn you or anyone that gets in my way.''

Trevor had turned away from the two, a sign of cutting them out completely. Where he was headed, Sandy Shores. Ron was quick to notice Trevor's return. 

''Trev! Where's Y/n?''

''She's hurt. In the hospital just after Porter Ave. I got a job for you. Get whoever you need to get because I know your pussy self won't do it alone. Run Michael and Franklin out of this area. I don't care where. I don't want to see their faces. I want nothing to do with them, you hear me?''

''Yes Trevor!'' Ron replied like an obedient before hurrying off to do what he was told. Trevor let his glare follow the man for a few seconds before internally feeling just a tad bit relieved he didn't have to yell. He was getting tired of it all and wanted Y/n back.

Hours passed. Hours that seemed like never-ending days flashed before him. He was flat out drunk, stumbling over to the hospital where Y/n was at. When he entered, the people were at a standstill upon his arrival.

''What the fuuuck are you all lookin' at?! Where is Y/n?'' He rested his body up against the receptionist's desk. His breath was heavy with alcohol. 

''I'm sorry sir but you can't be in here while intoxicated-''

''Then why are you in here being an asshole?!'' He retorted, about ready to headbutt the receptionist. 

''He's with me.'' Spoke a familiar female voice. Trevor slowly regained his wobbly stance, seeing nonother than Amanda.

Trust and Love (Trevor Philips x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now