IV: Kindness

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Your POV

I woke up to the sense of warmth and distant yelling. My head was filled with pins and needles, making me slowly groan and clench my teeth. The pain was unbearable.

"Ughh.." I slowly sat up, getting my bearings. Surroundings were unfamiliar. I was in a tidy spacious living room, just around the corner I could see doors leading somewhere assumed in the back.
Slowly laying down I heard echoes in the back of my head. They cursed and spat at me. This, was not my conscious.

Stupid piece of shit you are!

"Ah, the runaway has awakened." Spoke a familiar voice. Unable to adjust and lift myself more, I saw Trevor in the corner in my eye and shifted.


"One and only."

There was a silence and the memories of wanting to leave without a word struck me,"It wasn't like that. I just-"

"Nono, don't fucking explain yourself, Y/n. Please, by all means, take your leave." He replied curtly, seemingly hurt,"It wasn't like I saved your ass from your imaginary drug induced enemies OH and the possible, I don't know, gang that kidnapped you. A thank you would be appreciated."


"Too late." He shook his head, having interrupted me. Trevor walked to me, peering down from behind the couch. His eyes dark and mixed with emotions I couldn't catch right away, I sunk into them.

"You're lucky I was there." Trevor finished, stomping off.

A slam of the door made me flinch. The air was still and the pain made my heart thump harder.

"I'm sorry about that, Y/n, right?"

I nodded, keeping my mouth shut.

"Michael, sorta friends with Trevor. We briefly met the other night ... and don't worry, he's like that with practically anyone who's shown him any kindness." Michael explained. He sat down the opposite of me in a chair. His eyes seemed fixated on the drink in his hand.

"Really?" I questioned, slowly sitting myself up with a small groan.

"Yeah. Despite his decrepit home, looks and actions, he's loyal."

I nodded, not having the right words to say at the moment,"So, he did save me...?"

"All on his own. Told me some biker gang got you. That's all I know, the man was making more animal noises than human when he pulled up here."

"Sounds like something he'd do."

"There's a lot of things he would do but I know one thing he won't is back out on anything that benefits him." Michael added as he took a drag from his cigarette,"He doesn't go too far when mad."

"You must know a lot about him." I add, my gaze seemingly following the puffs of smoke going in the air and dispersing.

"Been friends for 20 plus somethin' years. Damn ... we were kids when we met. Course, things changed." He stares up at the ceiling for a brief moment before bringing the cigarette to his lips.

"How'd you two meet?" You questioned further, earning a small chuckle from the man.

"Oh sweetheart, that's a story for another day." He got up from his spot, putting out the smoke and setting it aside,"I'll get Trevor if-"

"No, I mean- ... he probably just needs some time to cool off." I replied, putting my hands up in defense with a faint smile.

"Well alright. Anyways, get your rest and all that. Holler if you need anything."

Shortly after he spoke, he smiled before heading out of the room and assuming to be upstairs a few moments later.

———Few Hours Later———

A small click of the door made you open your tired eyes out of the sleep you were awoken from. Surrounded in darkness, nothing had registered but the sounds still reached your ears.

Faint and tired groans echoed and all was felt quickly after was the shift of the couch and some weight on your legs. By the distinct smell of smoke, gasoline and other unknown bodily fluids, it was Trevor.

You saw his silhouette tower over the faint lights that came through the windows or other blinking electronics that were just faint enough. Your heart raced not knowing what he was going to do.

Was he gonna hurt you? Rape you? You didn't know.

But he didn't do anything but hold your legs under his curled body, resting his head on your stomach.


"Keep quiet, you." He interrupted with a venomous tone,"Just ... let me have this." He finished softly, you taking note of the soothing voice that highly differed from his usual loud and gruff tone. He shifted, holding you and a small exhale ensued.

You found yourself to lay your head back with no protest, looking up at the ceiling. Your tired mind wandered to what Michael had said about kindness.
About how he expresses himself in ways that were hard to read for others, but to you they were there.

He was worried.

As your tired eyes slowly were weighed by the exhaustion, a small smile lifted your lips.

He was worried ... and he cared.

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