XV- Eye of The Storm

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The land was flat and covered in snow. In the air had gave the sent of running engines and the faint snow crunching under heels.

Trevor stood across from these dingy masked men, feeling his heart bang against his chest, leaving his lungs to rapidly get in air. He had paced back and forth, like a trapped animal. His previous words had echoed around the area.

''Try me.'' The masked man stood smugly, loading his gun, ready to shoot at Y/n's temple,''You psychotic hipster fuck.''

Trevor froze, letting out a pained laugh,''Why her, huh? Why not me? Why not FUCKING ME?

''You've had this coming, Trevor. Your reign of terror ends here."

"I've heard that too, you know, plenty-o-fucking times and you know what? Let her go and shoot me instead. Since you want me."

Y/n was in panic. She couldn't move against the strong mans grip. Her feet her turning frozen from the icy grounds and her scared expression met with Trevor's defeated one.

He's stopped running.

"And what makes you think you're truthful to that, huh?" The masked man spoke. This made Trevor empty his pockets. A black pistol fell to his feet and he kicked it, only then pulling out a pocket knife and tossing it.

"I'm empty handed." His gaze was stuck to his feet. It seemed to be a full circle but he wasn't running to the snowy horizons. He was frozen to the soil beneath him.

It seemed as if the world stopped moving. Y/n's body was thrown aside like a rag doll and on impact a shot was heard.

Y/n was hit.


''Consider this your final warning.'' The man spoke, leaving a haze  of fog to escape his lips from the bitter cold. The other men had promptly had taken the injured woman and tossed her in the back of the seat. 

Trevor had stood like he was truly frozen. Anger was burning inside his stomach, climbing up his throat with bile. 

''You won't get away with this. I'll...I'll-''

''You'll what, Trevor? Spiral into a fit of unseething rage? Do what you do best, cling onto those who don't want you, perhaps? It's over.''

There was no reply from the irate Canadian, who stood against the winds of North Yankton. It had seemed like an eternity when he had picked his boots off from the ground. His eyes were glossy from tears. His fists shook with anger, yet, he didn't yell. He served the masked man the most unforgiving stare of all, so sketched into his rough features that it had resembled something of unshakable evil. The masked man had his back turned but felt goosebumps pop up on his skin underneath the layers of his clothing.

''For you it is.'' 

The other male didn't reply, but only climb in his vehicle where Y/n had resided and drove off. The rest of the posse followed, leaving Trevor alone again. 

-Back in Los Santos-

Michael had been outside, catching the warm sunbeams before it would set for the night. Phone in hand and earbuds in, he sat back and relaxed, letting his mind wander. A loud interruption that was his ringtone paused his music and he answered, not bothering to read the Caller I.D. 

Big mistake. 

''How could you fucking set me up like this you reptilian shit eating pig?''

''The hell do you mean?'' Michael sat up from his spot. 

''Don't play games with me, Mikey. Don't play the victim when clearly you're the villain here. Tell me who those guys were-''

''What guys, Trevor!? I had nothing to do with whatever bullshit you got yourself in.'' Michael could hear the unmistakable anger than was laced in Trevor's voice. It made his mind start to run.

''They shot Y/n and fucking took her, Michael.'' Trevor paused,''This isn't just bullshit. This is something that I need to fix and time clearly isn't on my side.'' 

Michael had stood up and began pacing around, holding the phone to his ear. He was in panic because there are so many people that are coming for their asses.

''What do you want me to do?'' Michael had contacted Lester with a spare phone while talking with Trevor,''I'm contacting Lester now. He should know something.''

There was a multitude of panicked noises that reached Michael's phone. 

''Buddy, hey-''

''Don't fucking call me that. I can't lose her. If I do- I-I-''

''We ain't gonna lose her. We're not losing anybody, alright? We got this.'' Michael said, trying to calm his friend down. Luckily, Lester is on it. We'll find those fuckers.'' Michael had tried to comfort his friend. A worrisome silence had filled the line. 

''...I really love her, you know...?''

''Trev?'' Michael snapped out of his running thoughts. A small smile graced his lips. He was going soft. 

''She just...I don't know. She pulls me back no matter how hard I pull away. No one has stayed by my side like she has. Nobody. Not even my own damned mother. I'll never forgive myself if something goes wrong.''

''Hey hey, it's gonna be alright pal. Believe me, I'm sure she's thinking about you right now, wherever she is.''

The conversation between the two had lasted for an hour, bickering back and forth like the usual. 

''Hey, listen man. I'll get you a flight back here. Lester said they're on the way to Los Santos. I'll have Franklin with me too. We got your back.''

''Yeah yeah whatever. Save the shitty sloppy talk for your petulant kids.'' Replied Trevor who had the slightest tone of relief in his voice. 

This was only the beginning of one of the countless rampages of Trevor but this time he was conscious and aware. 

He was going to her Y/n back, no matter the risks. 

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