Chapter 24 [Edited]

Start from the beginning

‘Who’s the guy?’ Zayn asked once he saw Jared.

‘Oh! Zayn this is Jared, a guy I’m dating, Jared this is Zayn, a guy I work for.’ Lexi introduced.

‘Hey, mate.’ Zayn reached forward and held out his hand.

‘Hey to you too.’ Jared nodded, shaking his hand.

‘You owe me a hot cocoa.’ Zayn said once he turned to me. 

‘Come on, you big baby.’ I rolled my eyes, dragging him into the kitchen.

‘This would be so much better if you were in the clown costume, Blues.’ He sighed.

‘You’re the one who lost.’ I shrugged while making our hot cocoas. 

‘Yeah, yeah. I know.’ He nodded, defeatedly.

‘Marshmellows and whipped cream?’ I asked him, holding up a bag of mini marshmellows and whipped cream.

‘It’s not hot cocoa without marshmellows and whipped cream, Blues.’ He rolled his eyes.

‘Yeah, well, there are people who may not want it.’ I defended myself while handing him a cup of hot cocoa.

‘Then, they’re the insane people.’ He took a swig of the drink and he moaned into it. ‘This is the best cocoa i’ve ever tasted.’ He said.

‘I know, I make the best.’ I bragged.

‘Okay, Blues.’ He nodded his head, taking another sip.

‘So, how did your clown day go?’ I asked, sipping my cocoa.

‘It was the worst!’ He groaned. ‘I walked out of my apartment and everything was going great, no one paid attention to me. Until I drove up to the Syco building, where the entrance was swarming with paparazzi. Ugh, it was so embarrassing! I had to walk in by myself and they took tons of shots. And Uncle Si kept laughing through the whole meeting. He couldn’t get anything out. And Louis decided to play with my wig. And Niall kept cracking up. And Harry messed up the face paint. And Liam kept trying to keep in laughs. And now, you’re making me sound like a girl with tons of problems.’ He ranted and I giggled slightly at the last part.

‘Aw, it’s okay Zaynie. Now, you only have to do a week of wearing dresses and that’s it.’ I pinched his cheeks. He groaned.

‘Do I have to?’ He whined like a baby.

‘You know what, I’m feeling incredibly nice. You don’t have to do the week of dresses. You just have to do a week of saying how amazing I am to anyone and everyone.’ I grinned.

‘That’s better than the dresses.’ He shrugged.

‘You’re lucky i’m feeling nice today.’ I pushed him, jokingly.

‘And I shall savour it for the rest of my life.’ He rolled his eyes.

‘Hey, Rose! I’m going with Jared now. I won’t be back for a while so don’t wait up for me, okay?’ Lexi said, with her head poking out of the kitchen doorway.

‘Yeah, sure. Have fun, Lex.’ I nodded my head.

‘Bye, Zayn.’ She addressed him.

‘Later, Lex.’ He nodded to her.

I heard the door close and i turned back to Zayn. He was looking at me intensely that I had the strongest urge to cringe away from his stare. Without his eyes leaving my face, he set down his mug on the counter behind me. He put his arms on either side of me and rested his hands on the counter, trapping me there.

‘We have the place all to ourselves.’ He whispered huskily.

‘And what should we do?’ I asked a little suggestively.

‘I don’t know about you but I feel like doing this.’ He kissed me on the cheek. ‘And this.’ His lips touched my jawline. ‘And this.’ He kissed my neck. ‘And this.’ He whispered in my ear before putting his lips on mine.

I smiled once our lips touched. His lips were soft and warm, despite the paint all over his face. My hands trailed up his chest slowly while his hands trailed up and down my spine with the same speed. My hands reached his neck and I instantly wove them around his neck and into his hair. His arms tightened around my waist and pulled my closer to him. 

His tongue ran along my bottom lip lightly and I opened my mouth eagerly. Our tongues fought for dominance even though we both know he would win. He pulled away, leaving me gasping but his lips never left contact with my body. He moved his lips along my jawline and down my neck, leaving a trail of hot electricity on my skin from where he my lips. I let out a breath moan when he sucked on my collar bone.

‘Moan again.’ He whispered huskily into my ear. 

He kissed my neck again, in my sensitive spot and I let out another moan. My hands moved down his chest until I reached the hem of his wife beater. I slipped my hands underneath and felt his rock hard abs. I squeezed his waist, tenderly, before pulling them up above his head. 

He pulled away to rip the shirt off him and he squeezed my thighs, just under my bum and he lifted me up off the floor. He walked over a bit and then slammed me into a wall. My legs were wrapped around his waist and he held me up against the wall, kissing me furiously.

He walked over again and I somehow ended up on my bed. He was hovering on top of me on his arms. He moved his lips again, up and down my neck and along my jawline. We rolled over with me on top. We made out longer, his hands trailing down my sides and when he reached my hemline I didn’t hesitate to take it off. I kissed him on the lips again but he pulled away. I looked at him curiously but he had a dreamy look in his eyes.

‘You’re so beautiful, Rose.’ He whispered.

‘You’re practically obliged to say that.’ i snorted, in an unladylike manner and rolled my eyes.

‘But I’m not joking when i say it.’ He said, he reached up and bought my head down and he kissed me.

I trailed my hands down his chest and reached the button on his pants. i tugged on it lightly.

‘I hope you have a condom.’ I whispered. His eyes widened at what I said.

‘W-what?’ He stammered.

‘I said, I hope you have a condom.’ I repeated.

‘You’re ready to do this, Blues?’ He asked me, searching my eyes.

‘Zayn, I’m not a virgin. It’s okay.’ I smiled softly.

‘But are you sure?’ He asked.

‘Yes, I’m sure. I want you, Zayn.’ I practically growled.

‘But we’ve only been dating for a few days, I don’t want to ruin my chances with you.’ He objected.

‘You won’t. I’m the one who wants this.’ I murmured.

‘Okay, if you’re sure.’ He nodded, taking out a small packet.

‘Of course I’m sure.’ I smiled.



No, I will not write a sex scene because I don’t know how sex scenes go. But that’s enough to let you know that they did in fact have sex. Hope you enjoyed this lovely chapter, xoxo.

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