Kitty (Otis x Oona)

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It was one of Otis' rare off days from work. Olympia was also off work today, but she was visiting family, so Otis was pretty much bored out of his mind.

He decided on just walking around the neighborhood, since he had absolutely nothing better to do.

He wore a blue hoodie, black jeans and black converse as he walked down the pavement, trying his best not to call any attention to himself.

Just then, he noticed what looked to be an outdoor pet adoption center in a grassy area nearby. And for some reason unknown to him, he began to make his way over there.

Getting a closer look, Otis saw that there were various types of adorable kittens inside of makeshift-looking play pins, all apparently waiting to be adopted.

Just then, a lady who worked there walked up to Otis.

"Hi there. I'm Valerie." the lady greeted him with a big smile.

"Are you interested in adopting a kitten?" she inquired kindly.

"Um I was just looking...." Otis awkwardly replied, his hands shoved into his pockets. Something about not being in his official odd squad uniform, made him feel all the more socially awkward.

"Alright. Well, if you decide that you want to adopt one, then I'd be happy to help you out with that." Valerie said, Otis just nodding in response.

Valerie then walked off to go help some other people that were there.

Otis was about to leave, not really wanting to deal with anymore social interactions, but before he could, he heard a very familiar voice saying "Awwww".

Otis looked around almost frantically, trying to spot who said that. And when he did, he almost gasped.

It was Oona kneeling down to play with one of the kittens. She was out of uniform, wearing a nice red sweater, blue jeans and white converse. Her hair was also out of her usual half ponytail and parted slightly to the side.

'Wow' Otis thought to himself. He thought she looked absolutely beautiful in her casual outfit.

He didn't even notice that he was sort of staring at her, until she looked up and saw him.

The second Oona made eye contact with him, Otis instantly blushed, turning his gaze away from her.

Oona however, was already making her way over to him.

"Hey, Otis." Oona greeted him.

"Hey." Otis simply replied, his cheeks still tinted a slight pink.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"I don't really know," Otis honestly told her "I'm off work today and I was just walking around the neighborhood. What about you?" he inquired.

"I'm off work today too. And I'm kinda thinking of adopting a kitten, but I'm not entirely sure." Oona explained, Otis merely nodding in response.

"Wanna help me look?" Oona questioned almost nervously.

"Sure." Otis reacted.

Otis had always had sort of a soft spot for kittens, so he didn't mind staying a bit longer. Plus, it would be nice to spend time with Oona for a while.

"Ooh look at this one! He's so cute!" Oona commented when she saw a small white kitten with black spots.

Otis smiled a bit as Oona kneeled down and softly petted the kitten

Otis then knelt down beside her, proceeding in taking a turn petting the kitty.

"Aww, look how cute you two are." Oona said, as the little white, spotted kitten seemed to be really enjoying Otis' company, and vice versa.

Otis laughed nervously.

Did Oona technically just call him cute?

"Thanks." Otis mumbled, blushing fiercely. "You're pretty cute too." He added, not exactly sure why he was suddenly brave enough to say that out loud.

Now it was Oona's turn to blush.

"Oh, thanks. I decided to change my hairstyle up today, you know, since it's my off day and all, and I wasn't sure if-" Oona began to nervously ramble.

"It looks really nice." Otis cut in, smiling softly, causing Oona to blush even more.

"So, are you gonna adopt this one?" Otis inquired, looking back down at the kitten.

"I don't know. He seems to really be having fun with you though." Oona pointed out.

"Well, maybe we could, you know.... both adopt him?" Otis suggested.

"You mean like....?"

"Together, yeah."

Oona smiled. "I'd like that." she replied.

Otis let out a small sigh of relief and gave Oona a small smile.

"What do you wanna name him?" Otis asked her.

"How bout Spots? You know, cuz he has spots." Oona suggested.

Otis chuckled a bit "Spots it is." he replied.

They then went to go talk to Valerie about adopting the kitten, and as they were walking over to her, Oona quickly kissed Otis' cheek, instantly second guessing herself afterwards.

"Is it cool that I did that?" she nervously asked him.

Otis smiled slightly "Totally cool." he reacted, secretly screaming with joy on the inside.

He had liked Oona for a while now, who knew it would be adopting a kitten that would bring them together.

Posted! 😘 Ok, why do I not know how to end these things??!!!!! Ugh lol. Honestly, though like can anyone else tell that I literally never know how to write the endings to these things?! Lol! Also, I wanna know if you guys think that these are too long, cuz I try not to make them too long, so plz let me know in the comment section what you think!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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