Agent's test (Otis x Oona)

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Oona was sitting alone in the dark odd squad warehouse. She had run off to hide there when she heard Ms O announce that the annual 'Odd Squad agent's test' was later today.

Usually the test only included agents who worked in the investigation department, but they had just recently updated it to include scientists also.

Oona figured that her friends, Otis and Olympia were looking for her, but she didn't exactly want to be found. She would almost rather flee the country (which she secretly planned to do later) than humiliate herself by failing the test because she didn't study for it.

"What am i gonna do?!" she said to herself, as she sat in the corner.

'I didn't study for an agent's test! I didn't think I needed to! I thought I was done with tests after I earned my lab director's licence, but nooo, they just had to update this stupid test to include scientists.' Oona thought.

Meanwhile, Otis and Olympia were walking through the hall of doors looking for her.

"Oona! Oona!" they called.

"We've looked almost everywhere, Otis!" Olympia exclaimed "The ballroom, the ball pit, the banana room, the bubble room…." she said, as she attempted to count on her fingers how many rooms they've looked in.

"Don't forget the desert room…." Otis reminded her, taking a sip of water from a canteen that he was holding.

"Right. It was soooo hot in there!" Olympia replied, taking a big gulp of water from her canteen "Water never tasted so good." she said, after letting out a refreshed 'ahhh' noise.

"Agreed." Otis said, nodding once. They were almost sweating just thinking about the desert room. They sat down on the floor for a moment, leaning against the wall.

"Hey, we didn't check the warehouse yet!" Olympia stated hopefully.

"Or the pillow fort room!" Otis added. He and Olympia then stood up with a newfound determination.

"Ok, let's split up, it'll be quicker. I'll check the pillow fort room," Olympia suggested, pointing at herself "and you check the warehouse!" she said, pointing at Otis.

"Ok, but let's hurry, the test is gonna start soon." Otis said, looking at his watch briefly.

Olympia nodded in agreement "Let's go!" they said in unison, then they began running speedily to their destinations.

When Otis reached the warehouse, he walked in slowly. "Oona?" he called.

He didn't see Oona yet, because she was sitting in a far off corner of the room. She had heard him call her though. She was torn between being glad that he had been looking for her, and being stressed that he actually found her.

Not knowing what to do, Oona discreetly hid in a nearby cardboard box before Otis could see her.

Otis walked further into the room "Oona?" he called again. The dark and slightly scary atmosphere of the warehouse made him almost hope that Oona wasn't in here so he could hurry up and leave.

He sighed as he decided to check in some card board boxes first, just in case Oona was hiding in one.

"Oona? Are you in here?" Otis asked, as he cautiously leaned closer to one of the brown boxes. But before he could even look in it, to his surprise, Oona instantly popped out of it saying "ok, you found me!" which startled otis so much that he almost screamed.

"Oona, w-what are you doing in here?" Otis asked, trying to regain his composure.

"What do you think I'm doing in here?! Hiding from the test!" Oona admitted.

Otis sighed slightly before holding out his hand and helping her out of the brown, cardboard box.

"Oona, you can't just stay here." Otis stated

"Yes i can! I'm really good at hiding, look how long it took for you to find me! And if I fail the test, I'll get sent back to the academy or something!" Oona pointed out.

Otis didn't exactly know to reply to that. And before he could say anything, Oona started talking again.

"And besides, I'm not gonna stay here, I plan to move to new mexico after the test." She explained, glancing over at her packed suitcase in the corner.

Otis just looked at her for a second, sort of in disbelief at how she seemed to have all of this planned out.

"Oona, I'm not letting you get sent back to the academy,…. or move to new mexico." Otis said "And you're gonna pass that test!" he added confidently.

"How! I didn't study, and the test is in…. a half hour!" Oona replied, glancing at her watch to check the time. She was starting to freak out a bit.

"Oona, calm down. Even though you didn't study, I'm sure you probably already know all the stuff they're gonna ask you about anyway." Otis reasoned, trying his best to calm Oona's nerves.

"But what if I don't-"

"You will." Otis stated "And if it helps, we can, just study right now." he suggested.

"Right now? But we only have half an hour." Oona pointed out.

Otis shrugged "Then we'll just be quick." he said "Besides, we've studied on a tighter schedule before." he added, referring to the time when they studied for Oona's lab director's licence.

Oona smiled slightly, realizing that he was right. "Ok." she said.

Otis then whipped out a 'gadgets manual' from behind his back, seemingly out of thin air.

Otis and Oona sat down on the warehouse floor, studying the manual for about twenty minutes straight. Otis had called Olympia a little earlier, telling her that he found Oona, and that they would meet her when the test started.

After studying, Oona was a bit more at ease about the test, even though she was still nervous.

"Ok, we should probably get going now. The test starts in like ten minutes." Otis informed Oona.

Oona nodded "Ok I guess. T-thanks for helping me out, Otis."

Otis blushed slightly "No problem." he replied.

"You know, we make a pretty good team." Oona stated, smiling.

"Yeah. We kinda do." Otis reacted, trying to keep a serious expression, but he was already blushing a bright red. He had been crushing on Oona for a while now, but he was too shy to admit it.

"I really appreciate you helping me out." Oona added, why was she still talking? "I also really appreciate how cute you are." she accidentally admitted.

"W-what?" Otis stammered, not sure if he heard her right.

Oona's eyes widened and she blushed as she realized what she said. "I- I'm sorry, I just- I sometimes say crazy things when I'm nervous. Not that I didn't mean it, cuz I totally did. B-but I-" she rambled, trying to explain herself.

"Oona?" Otis interrupted.

Oona reluctantly looked up at him "Y-yeah?"

"You're pretty cute too." Otis admitted, blushing even brighter now.

Oona smiled.

They then walked out of the warehouse in comfortable silence. And Oona passed the test with flying colors. And even though all they did was call each other cute, Otis and Oona both knew that that was their way of admitting their crushes on each other.

Posted! 😘 alright, so I'm not tryna bore you guys, but I'ma just explain this real quick so bare with me lol.

Yes. This was kind of a longer one, and if I'm being honest, I had like zero idea where I was going with this when I was writing it, I just kinda wrote as I went, you know? So yea. I hope you enjoyed it (even tho it was kinda all over the place imo)

Alsoooooo plz vote, comment, all that fun stuff.

Thx! Kisses! 😘💕

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