Focus part 1 (Olive x Otto)

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A/n: Hey guys! So I hope you enjoy this, and I'm just letting you know now, it's gonna be a long one.

As you can probably tell by the title, this is going to be a 2 part story so yea.

Enjoy! 😘

Olive was not one for emotions. She didn't have time for them. Her work required her to be focused, skilled, and ready for the task at hand. And that's exactly what she aimed to be.

However, there was one tiny detail that she was ignoring....

Her crush on her partner.

That's right, the brown-eyed, floppy-haired, tall, tan-skinned boy that Olive worked with, was currently stealing her heart. But she couldn't let anyone know that though, especially not Otto. So her daily task had involuntarily become trying to ignore the fact that she had feelings for him. And boy was it a hard task.

"Hey, Olive!" Otto greeted, standing up from his desk when he saw Olive walking into headquarters.

"Hi, Otto." Olive greeted back, smiling slightly and walking over to him.

"Sooo, you wanna go out to lunch with me today?" Otto asked out of nowhere, causing Olive's heart to flutter. "I kinda really need to talk to you about something, so I figured why not talk about it over lunch?" Otto added, seeming just a slight bit nervous.

"Um.... ok, s-sure." Olive replied, blushing brightly and mentally slapping herself for stuttering.

She could hear Otto let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Great. Thanks." Otto said smiling, sitting back down at his desk.

Olive sat at her desk wondering what Otto could possibly want to talk to her about? What could be so important that he wanted to talk about it over lunch? Why couldn't he just tell her now?

Olive shook her head slightly, trying to rid herself of the thoughts. She didn't have time to be stressing out over this. She had to focus on her work.

Just then, Ms O called to them from her office.

"Olive, Otto, in my office, now!!" she shouted.

"Looks like we have a case to solve." Otto stated, standing up from his desk chair.

Olive nodded seriously, standing up also. "Let's go." she said as she started walking towards Ms O's office with Otto following behind her.

"There you two are, something very odd has happened." Ms O announced when Olive and Otto walked into her office.

"What seems to be the problem, Ms O?" Olive asked, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of the desk, while Otto sat in the chair next to Olive.

"Take a look at this." Ms O said, spinning in her chair to face the screen behind her. She then clicked a button on her remote, causing an image to appear on the screen. It looked to be some sort of math problem.

"Tiny dancer, Lady bread and Fladam are causing odd all around town! They seem to be teaming up, and what you see on the screen, is the clue that they left for us telling us where they would be next. They sent us a video message also, telling is that they'll be somewhere on pine street." Ms O explained.

"Hmm. Let's see. Ten plus fourteen." Olive said, reading the math problem.

"That's..... twenty-four." Otto said, finishing the problem.

"Right. So twenty-four pine street!" Olive reasoned.

"Right. And that's exactly where you need to go." Ms O added.

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