Make your own sandwich day (Olive x Otto)

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Olive and Otto walked into the grocery store. They were buying ingredients to make a sandwich, since today was 'make your own sandwich day' at odd squad. However, they both forgot to make theirs before work, so this is what they were using their break time for.

"Ok, first we need the preserves and jelly for your preserves and jelly sandwich." Olive told Otto, as she walked alongside him, pushing a shopping cart.

"Right, then we need the avocados, tomatoes, cheese, mustard and spinach for your…. wait, what kind of sandwich are you making again?" Otto asked, almost confusing himself by all the ingredients that he named.

"An avocado-tomato-cheese- mustard-spinach sandwich, of course." Olive replied, nodding once. then she thought for a bit "I should probably think of a shorter name for it though." she added, Otto nodding in agreement and making a 'ya-think?' face.

After they added all those ingredients to their shopping cart, they were heading to check out. But then Olive realized something. They forgot one key ingredient.

"Hey, we forgot something, partner." Olive told Otto

Otto glanced down at their almost full shopping cart "What else do we need?" he asked, confused.

"We can't forget the most important ingredient!" Olive stated.

"Love, right?" Otto asked, smiling smugly as he thought he figured it out.

Olive wore an amused expression "I meant bread." she replied.

"Oh, right." Otto said.

Olive shook her head and smiled fondly at him as they walked towards the bread aisle.

They searched for a while, but the only bread they found was tortilla wraps.

"Huh? Where's the sandwich bread?" Olive wondered aloud.

"I know, I can't find any either." Otto replied.

Just then, an employee walked over to them. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. And her name tag read 'Lizzy'. "Hello there, can I help you two with anything?" she asked them.

"Oh, we were just looking for some sandwich bread." Olive explained.

"Do you know what aisle that would be in?" Otto asked the worker.

"Actually, we're out of sandwich bread." the lady stated.

"You're out of sandwich bread? What kind of store doesn't have sandwich brea-" Otto said, but before he could finish, Olive nudged him in the side.

"Ow!" Otto said quietly, rubbing his arm.

"What my partner means is, are you sure you're completely out?" Olive corrected professionally.

"Yes. We're sure. And you know, it's the funniest thing...." the employee started to explain "earlier this morning, our shelves were stocked with sandwich bread. But then, a couple minutes later, I checked back here and all of the sandwich bread was gone!"

Olive and Otto looked at each other in slight surprise.

"Really? That's weird...." Otto trailed off in confusion.

"And the weirdest thing is, I didn't see anyone come up to the register and buy bread today." the employee added.

"Hmm. That's odd." Olive stated, crossing her arms.

"Sounds like someone stole all that bread." Otto figured.

"Did you see anyone suspicious come in before the bread went missing.... Lizzy?" Olive questioned the worker, reading her name tag.

Lizzy thought for a bit. "Hmmm. Well, there was this lady that walked in like right before the bread went missing." she recalled.

"Can you describe what she looked like?" Otto asked, figuring it was probably an odd villain who did this.

"Well, I don't really remember...." Lizzy trailed off "But I do recall that she was wearing a big dress, her hair was in an updo, and I believe her hands were made of bread?" she explained, surprisingly listing all of the details.

Olive and Otto looked at each other "Lady bread!" they shouted in unison.

"Lady bread stole all of the bread!" Otto exclaimed in realization.

"I know that!" Olive reacted, trying (and failing) not to panic.

"She's probably long gone by now!" Otto pointed out.

"I know that!" Olive shouted, slightly annoyed by Otto stating obvious things.

"What are we gonna do?!" Otto questioned, desperately.

"I know that!" Olive yelled back on instinct. "I mean, I don't know!" she corrected.

"Um, are we gonna get our bread back, or no?" Lizzy awkwardly inquired, twirling a strand of her hair with her finger.

Olive sighed. "Don't worry, ma'am. We'll do our best to get the bread back." she said professionally.

Lizzy nodded and then walked off to tend to other customers.

"Lady bread could be anywhere by now. How are we supposed to find her?" Otto questioned in exasperation.

Olive waited a second before replying. Then she snapped her fingers as an idea popped into her head.

"That's it!" she exclaimed.

"What's it?" Otto asked, completely confused.

"Tortilla wraps are bread too, right?" Olive said.

"Yeah.... " Otto replied, still not quite seeing where she was going with this.

"Soooo.... Lady bread will probably be back to steal the tortilla wraps also!" Olive concluded.

"And when she does...." Otto trailed off, smirking a little.

"We'll be there to stop her." Olive finished, crossing her arms and smiling smugly.

Just then, someone entered the store, causing Olive and Otto to quickly look to see who it was.

"Lady bread!" They whispered in unison, as they saw the villain enter.

Olive and Otto hid over by the bread aisle, as Lady bread attempted to steal the tortilla wraps.

But before she could....

"Odd Squad, Odd Squad! Stop right there!" Olive and Otto shouted, jumping out from their hiding spot.

"Ugh, rats! I was so close!" Lady bread complained.

"Nice try Lady bread." Otto sarcastically remarked, earning a high five from his partner.

Olive and Otto made Lady bread return all of the stolen bread back to the store, and then after buying their own sandwich bread, Olive and Otto finally were leaving the store.

Needless to say, they were a bit late to work.

Posted! 😘 so yeah, yeah I know this one wasn't technically about Olive and Otto liking each other, but I just wanted to write this little story cuz I thought it was cool.

So yea.

Honestly, the main reason I wrote this was because I wanted to write what Olive and Otto grocery shopping would be like. Lol (also, I might've been a little hungry.... but yea. 😁)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

Comment, vote, all that fun stuff! Thx. kisses! 💖💖

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