Otis and Oscar to the rescue part 2 (Otis x Olympia/ Oscar x Oona)

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Olympia and Oona were honestly bored out of their minds as they sat in the warehouse, listening to the Teleporter drone on and on about his odd scheme. He had been talking for what felt like hours. His plan was to use the shape-inator to create as many triangles as he wanted and use them to take over the town, and rename it "triangle-town".

Once he was finally done ranting, Olympia spoke up. "Wait, so let me get this straight.... you're a villain? I've never heard of you before."

The Teleporter rolled his eyes. "I know you've never heard of me, you don't have to rub it in." he replied, annoyed. "Now just give me the shape-inator so I can take over the town with triangles!"

Oona and Olympia looked at each other with nervous expressions. They didn't even have the shape-inator with them, since they had left it back at the lab. But if they told the Teleporter that, he'd just teleport back to the lab to find the gadget, and they didn't want that.

"Um.... well, the thing is...." Oona trailed off, unsure what to say.

Meanwhile, Otis and Oscar had finally arrived at 23rd street, making their way down the sidewalk as they searched for the warehouse.

"Are you sure there's even a warehouse on this street?" Otis skeptically asked, since they couldn't seem to find it yet.

"Of course I'm sure. What am I, crazy?" Oscar instantly replied. "I mean, I'm pretty sure there is.... I'm like 92% sure." he added, tugging on his lab coat.

Otis nodded in response as he sighed. Oscar immediately noticed the look on his face, knowing that he was worrying about Olympia again.

"Don't worry, Otis. We're gonna find the warehouse soon. And I totally understand you're worried about Olympia. I mean, that's how anyone would feel about their girlfriend." he supportively said.

Otis' face turned red at his choice of words, slowly turning his head to face him. "Did you say girlfriend?" he hesitantly asked.

"Yeah. Aren't you and Olympia dating?"

"W-what? No, we're not- what made you think that?" Otis stammered, his cheeks now even redder.

"I don't know. You two seem so close and everything, and you're always smiling and staring at each other. And you kind of act like you're in love with her, so I guess I just assumed." Oscar explained as if this were the most casual conversation ever.

Otis didn't know what to say. Was his crush on Olympia that obvious? "I.... Olympia and I are just best friends. That's why we're so close with each other." he decided on saying, staring at the ground for a moment as he walked.

"I get that. You like her though, right? It seems like she likes you too." Oscar continued.

Otis' brain couldn't seem to come up with a reply as he wondered how they even ended up discussing this. "Well, I...." he trailed off. But relief flooded him when he finally looked up and noticed that they had arrived at the abandoned warehouse they were looking for. "Look, we're here." he stated, he and Oscar instantly darting for the entrance.

Once they were inside, they quickly hid behind some boxes before they could be seen.

"Ok, on three?" Oscar whispered to Otis.

"On three." he agreed, nodding seriously.

"1, 2...." Oscar counted, but Otis had already spring into action, jumping out from behind the boxes.

"I said on three, on three!" Oscar complained, but he instantly followed Otis anyway, toting the shape-inator in hand.

"Odd Squad, Odd Squad! Stop right there!" Otis and Oscar shouted in unison.

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