Bakery Love (Olive x Otto)

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A/n: Hey guys! So just so you know, in this story, Olive and Otto don't already know each other btw. Anyways, hope you like this story! Enjoy!!

Otto walked down the sidewalk, taking in the sights around him as he just enjoyed the nice weather. It was just warm enough out today, the sun finally making an appearance after multiple days of cloudy skies, so Otto had decided to take this opportunity to go check out the new bakery/cafe that had just opened up recently, seeing as he could use a little snack anyway.

He absentmindedly hummed along with the Soundcheck song that was playing in his earbuds. He paused his trek when he saw the bakery that he was looking for, waisting no time in pushing the door open and walking in, making the little entry bell ring in the process.

He was instantly greeted with the welcoming scent of baked goods and the homey feel of the place as there seemed to be a theme of white, creme and bronze colors. Pulling his earbuds out, he took his phone out of his pocket and distractedly walked up to the counter as he proceeded to add a couple songs to his playlist.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the girl behind the counter greeted him.

He was about to state his order, but he seemed to blank on words when he looked up from his phone, seeing that the cashier was an extremely pretty girl who looked to be around his age. She had her long, black hair tied into a perfect ponytail, and she wore a red shirt with sleeves that stopped almost at her wrists along with a blue apron, which Otto assumed was her work uniform.

Cute. He thought to himself.

"Sir?" the girl's voice brought him back to reality as he blinked a couple times to gain his composure.

"Oh, right. Um do you guys sell brownies here?" Otto asked, trying his best not to get lost the girl's beautiful brown eyes.

She smiled brightly at him. "We sure do." came her reply. "How many boxes would you like?" she questioned, her enthusiastic demeanor extremely refreshing.

"Two boxes please." he reacted.

She smiled before grabbing two boxes of brownies from the shelf behind her and placing them on the counter.

"That'll be four dollars please."

Otto nodded and handed her the money, both of them blushing slightly when their hands touched in the process.

"Um, thanks for the brownies...." he paused to look at her name tag. "Olive. That's a really cute name, Olive." he slightly flirted, causing her to blush again.

Olive let out a nervous giggle. "Thanks. Can I ask what your name is? I mean, unless you want me to just call you 'that cute guy that came into the bakery'." she flirted back.

He chuckled a bit and looked down at the counter, but Olive could've sworn that she saw his cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Yeah, it's Otto. But I'm glad you think I'm cute." he said, making Olive giggle again.

"Well, Otto, thanks for coming, and have a great day."

Otto smiled at her before reluctantly starting to walk out, since he didn't really wanna leave. But just before he got out the door he heard Olive say "Come again!" So he turned around and winked at her after replying with "I plan on it.".

And that he did. In fact, he ended up coming back there quite often, almost everyday. He and Olive always enjoyed the little talks they had at the bakery, slowly learning more things about each other and finding things in common. It had been a couple weeks of this, and today Otto decided that it was time to make a move. But even though he pretty much knew Olive liked him too, he was still nervous. So his plan was to discreetly give her his phone number and hope for the best.

He didn't realize how fast he was walking until he reached the bakery in under four minutes, almost bumping into the door in his haste. Olive looked up at him and smiled when he walked in.

"Hey, Olive!" he greeted her as if he'd known her for years.

"Otto, hi!" Olive beamed. "How can I help you today?" she asked.

"I'll take a muffin please." Otto requested.

"What kind?"

"Surprise me." he replied and threw her a wink.

Olive gave him a smile, her dimples showing in the process, before she turned around to grab a multi-berry muffin off of the shelf behind her. Otto watched as she placed it in a bag and handed it to him.

"That'll be two dollars please."

Otto then handed her the money, and also the small piece of paper with his number on it which was discreetly tucked between the two dollars.

"Thanks. Come back soon." Olive said.

"You know I will." Otto reacted. He was about to walk out, but before he reached the door, Olive spoke again.

"Oh hey, wait. You forgot your receipt." she said, and he walked back up to the counter as she held out the receipt to him.

"Thanks, Olive. I'll see you soon." he said with a confident smirk, though he was secretly freaking out inside, hoping that she'd call him later when she saw the number he gave her.

"See you soon." was Olive's reply before Otto left the bakery.

Once Otto was outside, he let out a little sigh and smiled a bit, sort of nervous and excited all at once. He then looked at the receipt that Olive gave him, curious about what flavor muffin she ended up picking for him. But when he looked at the piece of paper his smile widened like crazy. Olive had written her phone number on it, along with the words 'call me' and she even wrote a little heart.

Apparently Olive had the same idea as he did.

Otto was over the moon. His crush had given him her phone number! Yes, Olive had earned the title of crush by now. And she obviously liked him back.

Otto walked home smiling wider than ever, and not just because of the Soundcheck song that he had just started playing in his earbuds. This bakery was officially his favorite place.

Posted! 😘 Hope you liked this story! I honestly think it turned out pretty cute lol! I had actually written something like this a while back before I got on wattpad, so I decided to rewrite it and post it on here, so hope you like it!

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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