what was on their minds (Ohlm x Orchid)

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A/n: This one shot was requested by @Rattlesnakekate I hope this is what you were expecting, and you enjoy it! 💖💖

Orchid was sitting at her desk, doing paperwork, while Ohlm, as usual, discreetly stared at her.

He had been crushing on his partner for a while now. Of course, he never planned to tell her since he was sure she didn't like him back.

"What are looking at, Sherman?" Orchid sassily questioned, turning her head in Ohlm's direction.

Ohlm didn't really know how to reply to this. Orchid didn't usually notice he was staring at her, (even though in all honesty, Ohlm barely even realized that he was doing it) so now that she commented on it, Ohlm was at a sort of loss for words.

"I'm waiting for a reply, Sherman!" Orchid sassed.

"N-nothing?" Ohlm replied, though the way he said it, made it sound more like a question than a statement.

"Whatever." Orchid said, shaking her head in annoyance.

"Orchid! Ohlm! In my office, now!" they heard Ms O shout from the top of the stairs.

Orchid got up and began walking towards Ms O's office, Ohlm trailing behind.

"Yes, Ms O?" Orchid asked as her and Ohlm entered the room.

"There you two are. Something very odd has happened." Ms O announced.

"you remember the 'say-what's-on-your-mind-inator' that Oona recently created, right?" Ms O asked the two agents.

Orchid nodded "Yes, Ms O." she said. However, Ohlm shook his head, as if to say 'no'.

Ms O rolled her eyes and sighed quietly "Of course you don't." she said under her breath, slightly annoyed at Ohlm.

"Anyway, Jamie jam sent us a video message saying that she stole it! Luckily, we put a tracking device on the gadget beforehand, so we know exactly where it is. And I need you two to go and get it back." Ms O explained.

"Don't worry, Ms O. We'll get that gadget back easy! No problem." Orchid cockily stated.

"The location you need to go to is the warehouse on 85th pine street." Ms O replied. "Get there fast. And no funny business. Also, make sure to call for backup if you need it." she added seriously.

"You can count on us, Ms O." Orchid replied. Then she left the room, dragging Ohlm with her to the tube lobby.

When they arrived at 85th pine street, Orchid walked at a fast pace toward the warehouse they were headed to. Ohlm was practically running to keep up with her.

They stormed into the building, but when they were inside, there was no sign of Jamie jam or the gadget.

Just then, Jamie popped out from her hiding spot "Aha!" she shouted

"Odd Squad, Odd Squad! Stop right there!" Orchid and Ohlm shouted in unison.

"Hand over the gadget, Sherman!" Orchid demanded.

Ohlm was doing his best not to smile dreamily at Orchid. Just the sound of her voice mesmerized him.

"I don't think so...." Jamie trailed off before spraying jam at the two agents, sticking them to the wall.

"Heyy! Let us go!" Orchid shouted as she struggled to break free from the sticky jam, while Ohlm was trying to eat it.

"Ha! Now for my plan! Why do you think I even stole your gadget? Hmm?" Jamie asked, not really looking for an answer from them.

"I'll tell you why! To get you to tell me all of your odd squad secrets when I zap you with it!" Jamie announced, cackling after she explained her plan.

Ohlm was internally freaking out though. There was only one secret that was currently on his mind.... and that was his crush on Orchid.

Jamie then zapped Ohlm and Orchid with the 'say-what's-on-your-mind-inator'.

Then, Jamie's phone rang. Jamie rolled her eyes in annoyance and placed her cell phone to her ear.

"what?" she rudely greeted whoever was calling her.

She then walked off, silently excusing herself to take the phone call, leaving Ohlm and Orchid alone for a moment.

"M-maybe we should call for back up?" Ohlm nervously asked, looking over at Orchid, who for some reason, looked just as nervous as he was.

"No! We're not calling for backup. We can handle this ourselves." Orchid insisted. "Even though I barely believe what I just said." she added, surprised by her own words that she hadn't even meant to say.

"Oh right. That stupid gadget." Orchid mumbled, remembering that since they got zapped with the gadget, they had to say whatever was on their minds.

"You mean you don't think we can handle it?" Ohlm questioned.

Orchid sighed "No, Ohlm. I don't. I just don't want Ms O to think I'm a bad agent." she admitted involuntarily.

"You're so pretty." Ohlm said out of nowhere.


"I think you're really pretty." Ohlm repeated, blushing as he realized what he was saying.

"Ugh! Why do you have to be so cute all the time!" Orchid blurted out.

Ohlm's eyes widened. Did Orchid, his crush, just call him cute?

"You think I'm-" he started to ask, but Orchid beat him to it.

"Yes, I think you're cute, ok? I have a huge crush on you!" Orchid said, blushing an ever so slight shade of pink. She hated being vulnerable. And now, thanks to one stupid gadget, she was being forced to spill all her feelings to Ohlm.

Ohlm was already smiling though as he instantly replied "I have a crush on you too! I have for a long time now, but I didn't tell you because I thought you didn't like me back!" he explained almost in one breath, saying what had literally been on his mind all day.

Before Orchid could reply, Jamie walked back over to them. "Ok, now where were we?" she said, rubbing her hands together.

Turns out, Ohlm was actually getting somewhere with trying to eat the jam, because he was able to free his hands and reach for his clean-inator, and clean the jam off of him and Orchid.

Orchid swiftly swiped away the 'say-what's-on-your-mind-inator' from Jamie, and then used her handcuff-inator to handcuff her.

"Rats! My plan almost worked!" Jamie whined.

"Not today, Sherman." Orchid stated with her hand on her hip.

They then left the warehouse.

"Soooo...." Orchid trailed off, once they were outside.

"So you wanna go see a movie later?" Ohlm boldly requested.

"Sure, that sounds nice, Ohlm. It'll be nice to spend some time with you since, as I said before, I really like you." Orchid replied. Then she made a face "Does this gadget have a reverse button?" she asked, looking down at the gadget, annoyed by how it was still making her spout whatever was on her mind.

However, Ohlm was glad that they were zapped with the gadget, or else they probably wouldn't have had the guts to say what was on their minds.

Posted! 😘 As you can probably tell by now, I'm not that good at ending stories (imo) but idk.

Anyway, thank you to @Rattlesnakekate for requesting this story!

Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff! Thx! Kisses! 💖💖

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