Unbreakable (Otis x Olympia)

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A/n: Hey guys! So I was listening to the Taylor Swift song 'Lover' and idk I just started writing lol and idk why, but this is what I came up with. so yeah idk what this is but I hope you like it!

Enjoy! 😘

Olympia sat on the soft, green grass in the park room, fiddling with her fingers nervously as she waited for Otis.

She had asked him to meet her there for their lunch break after he was done finishing up some paperwork. Otis found it just a bit weird that Olympia wanted to meet him in the park room for lunch instead of the break room or something, but he just agreed anyways, figuring that she had a good reason.

And boy did she....

Olympia had been crushing on her partner for quite some time now, and she thought it was time that she finally admitted it to him.

She had pondered over this for a long time, but decided that telling him would be the best option since not telling him was pretty much driving her insane by now.

She bit her lip anxiously as she thought about how this could change everything between them, and she knew that if he didn't feel the same way, everything would be ruined.

She sighed at the thought of that.

When Olympia first met Otis, she never even imagined that they would become such amazing friends.... well, actually, it was Otis that never imagined it, but Olympia? She was hoping with everything in her that they would be the perfect partners.


"Whoa.... I'm really here, in Odd Squad." Olympia said on her first day at the squad, as she she gazed around the tube lobby in awe.

"Not for long." Ms O had said to her before turning to look at Oscar "Prepare to squishinate." she said to the scientist.

"B-but, but-" Olympia stammered.

"I need you to report to an office downtown." Ms O stated.

"B-but we haven't even met!" Olympia pointed out, glancing over at her new partner, who she hadn't even spoken to yet.

"The name's Otis." Otis said seriously, and almost rudely to her, his hands behind his back.

Olympia jerked her head back slightly at his stoic demeanor.

"And she's Olympia." Ms O added.

Olympia smiled and waved a little at Otis, attempting to be positive.

"Hey guys. I'm Oscar." Oscar chimed in, waving slightly at the two new agents.

Olympia smiled widely and waved back.

"Now you've met." Ms O stated before yelling out 'Squishinating!'

*End of flashback

Olympia sighed again as she thought about how closed off Otis was to her back then. It was so weird and different compared to how things were now.

Now they could talk to each other about anything and everything, even though Otis still wasn't really a fan of talking about feelings and things like that.


"Hey! We um didn't really get a chance to talk back there." Olympia said to Otis, as she walked a bit faster to keep up with him.

She didn't even give him a chance to reply to her before she began rambling random facts about herself.

"So I'm Olympia. Speed stats; 11 years old. First pet; guinea pig. Favorite color; all of them-"

Odd Squad one shots {requests are open} Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ