Focus part 2 (Olive x Otto)

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"What do we do?" Otto asked Olive as quietly as he could.

But Olive wasn't quite thinking right, as Otto was unintentionally distracting her with how cute he was. Olive shut her eyes for a second, as she thought for a bit.

"Let's sneak up on them and use our handcuff-inators." she whispered when she finally thought of an idea.

Otto nodded in agreement, and the two of them slowly and quietly walked closer to the villains.

"Odd Squad, Odd Squad! Stop right there!" Olive and Otto shouted in unison when they were directly behind the villains.

Olive swiftly used her handcuff-inator to handcuff Tiny dancer, while Otto used his handcuff-inator to handcuff Fladam.

"Rats!" Tiny dancer and Fladam said at the same time.

Lady bread quickly began launching bread from her hands at the two agents to subdue them.

"Take that, Odd Squad!" Lady bread shouted as she kept pelting them with bread.

Olive and Otto tried their best to dodge the flying bread that was being launched at them at top speed.

"Olive, look out!" Otto shouted as he pushed Olive out of the way of a large loaf of bread that was about to hit her in the face.

The two of them dashed behind the same cardboard boxes that they were previously hiding behind, as they tried to gain their composure.

"Thanks, Otto. For pushing me out of the way of that flying bread." Olive said, glancing over at Otto.

"No problem, partner." Otto replied. "So, I have a plan. I'll run out there and distract her, while you sneak up on her and handcuff her with your handcuff-inator, got it?" he explained.

Olive barely grasped any of what Otto just said. She couldn't really focus on anything other than how crazy she was about him.

Not the time, Olive! she thought to herself, before nodding at Otto, agreeing to his plan.

Otto ran out from behind the cardboard boxes, waving his arms to get Lady bread's attention.

"Hey, over here!" he shouted, running around frantically as Lady bread tried launching more bread at him, her fellow villains watching on and shouting random things like 'Get him!'.

Olive took this as her cue to handcuff Lady bread. She climbed out from behind the boxes, zapping Lady bread with the handcuff-inator.

"Rats!" Lady bread said in annoyance as her powers were now rendered useless.

"Alright, let's get these three back to the interrogation room." Olive said to Otto, before calling Ms O on her badge phone.

"Ms O, we stopped the villains." Olive told her boss over the phone.

"Good work, agents. We'll have backup come and bring them to the interrogation room. It's about lunch time, so you two can go get something to eat." Ms O replied.

"Thanks, Ms O." Olive said before hanging up the phone.

"So, we can go get our lunch now, right? We can go to that little restaurant that's not too far from here." Otto said to Olive, as backup already began to arrive.

"Sure." Olive replied, suddenly nervous as she remembered that Otto had said that he needed to 'talk to her about something over lunch'.

Olive and Otto walked in silence to the small nearby restaurant to have their lunch. Olive was wrapped up in her thoughts as she pondered what Otto was going to talk to her about. The anticipation was nearly making her crazy.

Once they arrived there, Otto opened the door for Olive, which made her blush.

They sat down at a table, still engulfed in silence, aside from the quiet chatter of other people occupying the restaurant.

Olive instantly picked up a menu, trying to avoid Otto's line of sight. She noticed that Otto also picked up a menu, and he also seemed slightly nervous.

"So, what are you gonna order?" Olive asked casually, trying to make conversation.

"Uh, I don't know. Everything on here sounds like it'll be delicious." Otto replied, reading over the menu in his hands.

"Yeah. I might just order one of everything. Cuz why not?" Otto commented with a silly grin.

Olive couldn't help but crack a smile. "How do you expect to eat all that before lunch is over?" she asked him, trying her best not to laugh.

"Uh have you met me?" Otto joked, causing Olive to let out a giggle. But then, awkward silence filled the air again.

"So what were you gonna talk to me about?" Olive finally asked.

"Oh, uh I was just gonna say.... I uh I like you a lot. Like I 'like, like' you." Otto stammered out pretty quickly, but Olive hung on every word.

"W-what?" Was all Olive could manage to say as her eyes widened in shock.

"I-it's fine if you don't feel the same way. But I just needed to tell you. I can't seem to focus on anything else lately." Otto explained nervously, as his cheeks turned crimson.

Wait, what? Olive thought.

"I can't focus on anything else either." she whispered, still in surprise that he returned her secret feelings.

"What?" Otto asked, leaning a bit closer to her to hear her better.

Olive shook her head a bit, snapping out of her dazed state, and smiled at Otto so widely that her dimples were showing.

"I like you too, Otto." she said "I have for a while now. But I didn't tell you because I didn't wanna ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same. Plus, I thought I didn't really have time to focus on emotions, but it turns out, I was just afraid of getting hurt." she explained, looking down at the table.

Otto smiled slightly at her. "Well, you don't have to worry about getting hurt, Olive. Cuz there's no way I'm gonna hurt you." he said.

Olive looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks, partner." she said genuinely.

"Sooo, is this like.... a date now?" Otto nervously questioned, seeing as they were having lunch together so he thought it might as well be a date.

Olive couldn't help but laugh at how adorable he was. "Yeah. I think we're on a date." she confirmed, smirking slightly.

They enjoyed the rest of their lunch, laughing talking about anything and everything.

Posted! 😘 I hope you guys enjoyed! Plz comment, vote, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖

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