Plus one (Oscar x Olive)

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Oscar was waiting for Olive to meet him in the lab, since she had a little break and the two of them were just going to talk for a while. As Olive walked up to the lab, Oscar tried to act casual, but in reality he was nervous. He was going to ask her something that he'd been wanting to ask her for a few days now, but he had chickened out everytime he tried.

"Hey, Olive." he happily greeted his crush when she entered the lab, waving at him. That's right, Oscar was crushing on Olive. But of course he didn't dare tell her that, since he was too scared. "So, do you remember that restaurant I was telling you about last week?" he asked her.

"You mean the one that you can't get into without an invite? Yeah, how could I forget." Olive replied, almost rolling her eyes as she thought about how ridiculous that rule was.

"Yeah, that one. Hehe. Well, they just sent me an email, inviting me to have dinner there tonight. As a thank you for when I lent them my spaghetti-inator gadget that one time." Oscar explained, tugging on his lab coat before continuing. "Anyway, tonight is what they call couple's night, which means you have to bring a.... um, well, a date." he said, tripping over his words a little on the end.

"Oh. Well, who are you going to bring?" Olive casually asked him.

"Actually, um.... I was thinking of asking you." he forced himself to say, even though his nervous thoughts were telling him to chicken out.

Olive looked surprised. "Me?" she asked, pointing to herself.

"Yeah. I mean, they won't let me in unless I bring someone. And I'm sure you'd love the restaurant, they have the best food. So? What do you think? Do you wanna be my plus one?" he finally questioned.

"You know what? Sure. That sounds like fun, and I know you've been wanting to go to that restaurant for a while." Olive said, instantly calming all of Oscar's worries.

"Really? Ok, awesome. Hehe. Thanks, Olive." he reacted, awkwardly chuckling a little from nerves and happiness also. The truth was though, that there was no such thing as couples night, and Oscar only made that up so he'd have an excuse to ask Olive to go with him. He knew he shouldn't lie, but this was all he could think of. And he secretly hoped that if this went good, then maybe Olive would consider actually dating him.


That night, Oscar and Olive headed to the restaurant, dressed in their nicest clothes.  Oscar knew that Olive wasn't considering this as a real date, since the two of them were just friends, but in his mind, this was the closest thing he could get.

Once they arrived to their destination, they were greeted by the hostess, who showed them to their table.

"Ok, you two. The waiter will be right with you. There are some complimentary bread sticks and water on the table for you to enjoy in the meantime." the hostess told them, smiling nicely.

"Thank you." Oscar replied, sitting down after pulling out Olive's chair for her.

"This place looks amazing. I love the decorations. Are they special for couple's night?" Olive asked the hostess.

The lady shook her head. "No. They're for our ballroom week that we're having. What did you mean by couples night?" she said as Oscar internally freaked out.

"Um, Olive just didn't know that tonight was part of ballroom week! Hehe, yeah so that's why she asked." Oscar swiftly told the hostess, sighing in relief when she shrugged and finally walked off.

"What was that all about?" Olive asked Oscar in confusion.

"Um, n-nothing. It's just that ballroom week here is a really big deal, so they um kinda disregard any other events hehe. She probably forgot that it was even couples night." Oscar fabricated, hoping that he sounded at least a little convincing.

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