Hiding From the Clowns

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I ran quickly, hoping the clowns would not find me. They were out there, probably circling the circus to find us, like sharks looking for their prey in the dark, blue sea. I could hear their laughter, the nose beeps, in the distance. I was scared they would find me, and I didn't know what they would do to me then. Drown me in the dunk tank maybe. Quit thinking like that, I try to tell myself. But I can't help it. We're in a life or death situation, with armed clowns trying to kill us. Gee, that's not alarming at all.

"We're going to find you eventually. Might as well give up!" I heard the clown called Oddball yell. He laughed and I heard he had gotten considerably closer to me. I quickly dived into the nearest tent as he walked around the corner. I saw that it was the strongman tent. It had a large dumbbell and a bench press where they can get stronger and stronger. I had seen this tent before when our dad let us tour the circus. I heard him opening the flaps of the tents, and I knew that I needed a place to hide. I saw a box and I quickly got into it. It wasn't the best hiding spot in the world, but I was hoping I could get away with it. I heard the tent flap open and I held my breath. His eyes seemed to scan the room and then landed where I was hiding. He stared at the box and then turned away to check another tent. I ran out the back of the tent so of he changed his mind, I would be long gone away from the tent.

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